Expo exposure?

Have you been to an Expo or Convention?

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Senior Member
Oct 10, 2021
Aurora Easter Egg
Sheep Plush
Blue Crescent Moon
Asteroid Plush
Green Star Fragment
Raven Wings Potion
Lily of the Valley
Caustic Crystal
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Summer Shell
Have you been to an Expo or Convention before? What was it like?
I've never gone to one but they sound fun.

I got a MK8 Male Villager costume my brother made and I want to show it off there, but I never got to go, mostly because I don’t know where one is where I live.
i have! when i was in my early teens, there used to be a sort of convention held in my city's football stadium. there weren't any panels or anything, but you could get autographs from and pictures with a lot of actors and there was a big hall where people sold merchandise. most of the actors were just lesser known british ones, with the biggest names generally being people from doctor who. (when it was slightly less well-known.) i was able to get autographs from karen gillan and alex kingston, to name two! meeting them is definitely a core memory lol. unfortunately, it stopped several years ago.

other than that, i've only been to one other convention, in 2022, which was mcm comic con in london! that was definitely more like how i picture conventions in my head, with a lot of people in cosplay and things. my sister and i mostly went for the genshin booth, which wasn't even there for the date we went asdfghjk, but we had a lot of fun looking at all the other merchandise booths and artist alley. there was so much cute stuff, i wish i'd had more savings, because i easily blew through mine. i bought a lot of enamel pins, mostly from artist alley, and then a few cute plushies. i'd love to go again some time!
I went to a big anime convention twice, once in 2018 and once in 2019. It was an absolute blast! Well, maybe not the moment where some person who was promoting fruits basket was clearly having trouble getting rid of these bookmarks so they told me to make dresses out of them and started dumping like 200 of them straight into my bag without warning … funny story though X’D
I think I might've been at an expo/convention once when I was really young, like a baby, because my older sibling wanted to go so my parents brought me along too.

Other than that, I've never been to one and have little interest in attending one. While it sounds like they can be pretty fun and can also be a nice meet up spot for long distance friends, I've also gathered that, even before the COVID pandemic was a concern, they've basically always been plague dens where people tend to catch con funk. No thank you.
I went to WorldCon with a group of friends because it was in my area many years ago. It’s mostly a speculative fiction conference (sci-fi, with some fantasy) and they announce major writing awards. My writing group was super excited to get to go to such a huge conference, but boy was the quality of sessions variable! Most of the writing panels were people anxiously awaiting their turn to say something totally unrelated on the microphone, and the crowds were…..challenging……such that the event organizers started to lead every session with a chipper reminder that “questions MUST end in a question mark!” A lot of the sessions unfortunately devolved into fandom arguments.

There was one really cool panel about spec fic poetry that I loved, and one by Ken Liu about worldbuilding that was a breath of fresh air, as he and his co-presenter (I wish I could recall her name!) actually communicated back and forth and built on each other’s points respectfully. Other than that, I bailed on the writing half of the conference and just went to the sessions led by a woman who was literally working for NASA and training for life in space. Didnt get a lot of writing info out of the conference but I learned a lot of cool things about space travel and the science of growing plants on other planets!

Oh, and a friendly vendor sold me a piece of art that was basically an armadillo with wings slithering over sand dunes, which I adore and still display above my desk.
I've been to anime/comic conventions. Both as a patron and as a staff member. Honestly, a lot of the costumes and panels fly over my head as I'm not too knowledgeable on anime, but I do enjoy showing off my homemade cosplays. 😎 Of course, not many people know what mine are, since I don't cosplay as anime characters, but it's fun nonetheless. 😁 Just don't purchase any merch: it's expensive and with the ease of online shopping, it just isn't worth it. 😬 Support the local artists if that's your thing or do what I do and just buy beer and food and attend cringe panels to laugh at. 😂 (quietly, of course... 🤫😉)
I've been to anime north once! It was a quick, couple hour visit though and I didn't cosplay. Next time I go, I wanna go for longer, maybe get some VA signatures and cosplay!
i'd really like to! my friend invited me to last year's anime north but i wasn't able to make it, but i'd like to go to one at least once.
i have been to a few and they're very fun but also very tiring as u typically will be there all day for several days (at least if ur like me and u want to get the most out of it). it's definitely not for everyone though as the bigger cons tend to be really crowded and hot. sometimes u are moving like ants and u have to squeeze past people to look at booths and stuff.

my reason to go is always cause i love love artist alley and will hang out there for hours. it's also where i spend the most the most money as well. i love supporting artists and cute merch is always welcomed. i also enjoy seeing the variety of cosplays and want to try to cosplay something in the future as well.
I've been to Amargeddon a few times, which is an anime/gaming/pop culture expo. I really enjoyed it and loved getting all the merch. Unfortunately I live too far away from it now, but I'd love to go again sometime.
I attended a local comic con with my older brother when I was 13.

Super fun experience. Especially the food and vending. I would definitely get way more out of it now...being more aware of pop culture and away from my bubble. But at the time it was just a fun memory with my brother.
I've been to an anime convention before. I dressed up as Ash Ketchum. It was fun.
I have never been to an expo nor a convention, nor have I ever wanted to go to one. They're not my kind of things to go to, honestly.
I love conventions. I try to go to at least one a year. Last summer I went to Connecticon... I had sooo much fun! I got to cosplay, and I even met Sean Chiplock (Diluc's EN VA from Genshin.. or Guido Mista's EN VA from JJBA ^^). It really sucked though because my best friend had gotten COVID that weekend, and I had spent the whole week with her prior. I do believe I was the only one who didn't get it despite testing so many times 💀

Conventions/expos can be really overwhelming though, depending on where they're at, and how many people are attending.. T^T I get nervous in big crowds of people, but I'll be darned if I miss out going to the dealer hall!
Never been to one, unfortunately. There's none that are close to me that are any good.