Embarrassed about having low-tier villagers?

Although most of my dreamies are of a high tier, the only reason I picked most of them was because I liked them.
I wasn't really interested in wolves other than Whitney... Then I kinda got the 4 most popular (I made friends with them before I knew about TBT though (then lost them...))
You shouldn't feel bad for liking your villagers no matter what tier they are! Don't aim for a town for all top tier villagers if you don't even like them :p
Nope, I don't mind them at all. I have Bones in my town and I adore him. Canberra too and she's low. I believe Ed is as well and I've enjoyed having them there.
Not at all... if anything, I'd be more embarrassed to have many high-tier villagers. For example, I have Marshal and I love him, but I'm a little bit uncomfortable with knowing that so many people have him and some only want him because of his popularity. It makes me feel shallow for thinking he's adorable, which of course is nonsense.

My fave baby in my town is Freckles (but don't tell the other villagers) ;)
nope. I used to have low tier villagers before and I loved them all very much. I do regret letting some go just to have those cute high tier villagers.
those who have low tier villagers in their town actually make me extremely happy because it made me discover how lovely and cute low tier villagers can be as well!
I have celia, bones, and coach in my town and they are seriously my favorites <3

Bones is one of the best dogs, I adore him.

Well, according to the Tier List, Robin the bird is a bottom-tier character. She's one of my favorite villagers, anyway.
It literally doesn't matter. If you only like the Tier 1 villagers. Who cares? If you only like Tier 5 villagers, who gives a **** (I don't know if swearing is allowed in this forum haha)? The villager's popularity doesn't matter. Actually, when I visit a town, I could care less about the villagers you have. I don't know if many people agree but I'm sure a lot don't really care about the villagers when dreaming, and this goes to show how little a lot of people care about your villagers. However, there's a group of people who care way too much.
Even if my best buddy Rooney got bumped down to Tier 5, I seriously don't care.
Every town has it's top tier and low tier villagers, whether someone likes it or not.
I kinda hated that Tier 5 included more than half the villagers you can get in-game (including Caroline). Shouldn't it be for the most hated villagers and not the majority?