Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past 3D- Mega Thread

Says the scheduled release date has passed, but it then says "Please wait for this item to be released" when I try to boot it up ; ;
i got the game this mornin!, absolutely LOVIN IT
The game has been delayed here (Asia) so I gave in and bought the digital copy so I could play right away. At least I got an awesome theme to go along with it. So far, I'm liking it especially the music and thought I'm going in my first battle after leaving the first town but not yet lol. I know this is going to be a really long game and I look forward to it :)
Got it yesterday. Seven hours in so far and have finished the second island.

As a long time Dragon Quest fan, I missed this game when it originally hit the states back in 2001 so getting the chance to play it now on my 3DS with a fresh coat of paint is pretty magical.
Finally got some time to play, got to the second island :)
Having a great time so far.
I do NOT like Maribel. Ugh.
so far kiefer is my fave as well as ruff ruff <33
I admittedly did not like Maribel at first, but she has grown on me a bit. Kiefer is not what was expecting based on the smug look in his art.

I finished the island where everyone was turned into animals. Loved Ruffs story, pretty wild stuff and fun to explain to others.
is there dlc for this game? i couldve sworn i heard something about dlc for this game
i love dragonquest so i'll probably get it, but I also want yo-kai watch 2 and the new pokemon games and i'm really broke lol
21 hours in now and I've still yet to unlock the class system, though I am in the right vignette. Alltrades Abbey is really something else in this game.
lol 59 hours into the game and still no classes, im taking my sweet time with this one

so apparently you have to get 3 "monster people" in that weird monster village then after that you unlock the download bar where you can download quests, but be quick! i think this month's quest ends on the 30th!
wow XD

im at the town where you get classes (havent unlocked them yet) but im still a bit upset that kiefer left the party, like how are you gonna take away my best bud?!, he's been with me since the beginning! i thought we were bois!, thats messed up, game!
I'm about 6 hours in...sadly I haven't had the time I've wanted to play more. ; ;
Really enjoying it though.

Just got to Regenstein!
wow XD

im at the town where you get classes (havent unlocked them yet) but im still a bit upset that kiefer left the party, like how are you gonna take away my best bud?!, he's been with me since the beginning! i thought we were bois!, thats messed up, game!

classic jrpg mechanics that lol.

also ugh too broke but yeah this game looks so awesome... even if it requires a couple of few days just for that
I'm like 4 hours in lol but i'm loving the battle music, does anyone else find that dragonquest games always BLAST out the music on handhelds? Like they've turned up the volume or something.