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Does anyone else do this?


Foolish samurai warrior
Mar 26, 2014
I like to think of marshal as a cute little gay squirrel so I give him really cutesy greetings and catchphrases. I can't be the only one.
i recently set his greeting to "kiss me, loser"

so yea sometimes i do that

one time i was bored so i made his greeting become "set me on fire"
Lol. It makes me super happy whenever he talks to me and says silly stuff stuff.
This'll sound really cheesy, but I have Colton, and he reminds me of a prince. His original outfit, his regal furniture, the fact that he's a white steed... Well, I put his catchphrase as "M'lady", and it really completes his image. XD
Erik is Canadian in my mind.

So I made his catchphrase "eh" and his greeting "Sorry".

I have problems.
This'll sound really cheesy, but I have Colton, and he reminds me of a prince. His original outfit, his regal furniture, the fact that he's a white steed... Well, I put his catchphrase as "M'lady", and it really completes his image. XD
That's adorable. I made lucy's catchphrase "bby ;)"
I'm really uncreative with my villager names. I think I gave Flo the catchphrase of "fabulous" because I honestly couldn't think of anything else. When Rocco asked me to change his greeting, the only thing I could think of was "Salve!" (Latin for Hello), since I was taking Latin class at the time. To be fair, it does sort of fit...
I gave Hans the very lame catchphrase of "yetiyo", since he's a yeti and all, so...

I really need to come up with a list beforehand so I can come up with something witty to give my villagers.
Fang's catchphrase is "Oh God Why. So every time he says,"Hey,how's it going? OH GOD WHY?
His catchphrase used to be*unzips* Which ended in funny results. When he asked me if he could come to my house right that moment, I said yes.
This was his response : Great! I though you were going to say no! Let's go! *unzips*
I made Bertha say "in bed" once. That got awkward.
"You're the topic of lots of conversations... in bed"

I rotate Rudy between "swag", "yolo", "squatz" and "oatz". That's about the extent of my creativity.
I have Puddle's say "Gurl" as her catchphrase and "Hollah" as her greeting. e.e I'm not very creative when it comes to these things.
Not very creative…but perhaps one's mayor should have his/her villagers greet him/her with "No. 1!"
Erik is Canadian in my mind.

So I made his catchphrase "eh" and his greeting "Sorry".

I have problems.

HA! I love this.

I give some villagers backstories, and then make up greeting for them, but it's rare. Usually I just have some weirdo theme going on that no visitor would understand - right now, the dudes all have pet name catchphrases like baby or sweetheart, and everyone's greeting is some made-up work like bahzinga or shablambo or whatever else i think of when they ask. So basically my town is insane.
Oh my god, I guess I also turned Marshal into being gay too back when I had him in my town! (I mean the lil guy will get kinda flirty with just about anyone anyway, so I made his greetings stuff like "Hey, good lookin", and considering Im a guy IRL and in the game... ).

I mean come one! He once asked me "What do you think people mean when they call other "Shorty" in song lyrics" and I answered "Someone you care about" and he ended up calling me shorty at the end of the conversation!

I miss him D:

Also, I love giving Bones a bunch of really really REALLY stupid sayings and greetings, which usualy pays off! (I had him saying "Ayyyyy" during festivale, which wasnt even planned, and it made for a couple of really fitting conversations! )