Do you want all villager personalities on your island?

I'm already getting repeat dialog even among my single personality type villagers, so all that does is reaffirm that going with who you like most regardless of personality type is the long range best idea. They're all gonna repeat, might as well have it be someone you like anyways doing it.
I currently have all 8 personalities to get all the reactions, but I probably will end up moving some out afterwards for more duplicates. I already have duplicate normal and lazy villagers since they're my favs 🥰
I always assumed everybody wants to collect at least one villager for each personality type. See, I don't have a jock right now and I don't love any of them right now. I really want to have all villager types but at the same time, I wanted two Snooty's (Whitney and Diana), two Cranky's (Fang and Apollo), two Peppy's (Merry and Audie), or two Normal's (Marina and Merengue). I've only got 2 negotiable spots left, so I have to decide if I'll go with a jock and a second personality type or two second personality types.

Does anyone else have this problem or any insight? (Like if not having all villager types takes away from the game or gets boring, etc.)

In “New Leaf,” this was necessary in order to unlock and access numerous and various Public Works Projects.

Right now, in “New Horizons,” it is not necessary.

I have all personality categories. I have a 6-to-4 ratio of males-vs.-females islanders. (I have two female humans.)

The males are: Cranky octopus Octavian; Lazy deer Erik; Lazy bear cub Stitches; starting Jock bear Teddy; Smug bird Lucha; and Smug squirrel Marshal.

The females are: Snooty werewolf Whitney; Normal duck Molly; Peppy rabbit Bonbon; and starting Uchi cat Katt.

I have these categories covered.
I try to have at least one of each personality type. The only one I'm missing currently is smug because I didn't want to keep Quillson on my island!
After I figure out what smug to have on my island I'll have one of each plus a second normal and cranky villager.
Yes I do! I feel having one of each type would make the island have more variety, as for any repeat personalities as of right now I don't want another peppy (which I have currently sadly) but I'd be open to any other repeat personalities :>
I used to have one of each but I really can't stand having a jock and uchi for longer. I probably had all their reactions so it won't matter and about DIY, I could probably get them somewhere else.
I was planning on it, but I might eventually get rid of Reneigh (who wanted to move yesterday but I want to keep her around for a bit). Nothing against the uchis, I probably like jocks less but I just like Genji a lot, and a bunch of other villagers. I made a shortlist now and it has two normal, two smug and two lazy villagers. This is mostly based on designs though. I'd love to have two cranky villagers, so I might switch some around.
I do but after Paula moved out last week I am missing an Uchi, and when I went on my island tour I got Marina leaving me with 2 Normals.

I have 3 peppies now, and tbh now I have my villager picture from Felicity and considering my other two peppies Tangy and Bunnie are permanent dreamies, I am ready for Felicity to go so I can island hunt for an Uchi (well, one I'd like as I passed up on Sylvia).

I'd love to have Agnes or Diva!
Personally I have no interest in Uchi characters... I appreciate their unique chats, but I just haven't found much interest in them. I have Fuchsia, and don't dislike her but wouldn't be opposed to having her leave...
i want to have all personality types but i'm just not crazy about any of the uchi or cranky villagers. i do have 5 normal villagers right now and it's kind of annoying. there are so many normal villagers that i want, but i know that i have to limit it to about 3 from now on.
I don't and more then likely won't. my preferred villager types are smug, cranky, lazy, and normal. peppy I don't mind too much though and would probably have Rosie since I've had her in past AC games. oh and even though I don't really like the jock personality I'll probably invite Bam at some point since I had him in my NL town and I adore him
I think it's good to have all the personalities to spice up your island a bit.
Not to mention the DIYs they give out
I definitely want to have all personality types on my island. I feel like having too many of one type would get really annoying after a while.
I keep trying to get all personalities but everytime I island hop to get one I don't have I run into a villager of one I already have that I just can't pass up
I'm very biased toward Normal villagers. Right now, I have 5 Normal villagers, and I will probably have more in the future. I do plan on having "rotating villagers", just so I can get the reactions that are locked behind having a high friendship level with a certain personality type. But after that, I'll probably move more Normal villagers in.

Personally, I think they should've upped the total amount of villagers we could have. For example, we have 8 personality types, why not allow us to have 16 villagers so we could have two of each if we wanted to? Or we could have one of each type, and then our favorites?
I'm very biased toward Normal villagers. Right now, I have 5 Normal villagers, and I will probably have more in the future. I do plan on having "rotating villagers", just so I can get the reactions that are locked behind having a high friendship level with a certain personality type. But after that, I'll probably move more Normal villagers in.

Personally, I think they should've upped the total amount of villagers we could have. For example, we have 8 personality types, why not allow us to have 16 villagers so we could have two of each if we wanted to? Or we could have one of each type, and then our favorites?
I'm hoping they'll do that via some DLC add-on which would allow for Island expansion.
I do want more villagers on my Island badly.
Yes, and I only keep duplicates of personalities that I really enjoy. My favorites are Normal and Snooty, so those are my repeats
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I'm very biased toward Normal villagers. Right now, I have 5 Normal villagers, and I will probably have more in the future. I do plan on having "rotating villagers", just so I can get the reactions that are locked behind having a high friendship level with a certain personality type. But after that, I'll probably move more Normal villagers in.

Personally, I think they should've upped the total amount of villagers we could have. For example, we have 8 personality types, why not allow us to have 16 villagers so we could have two of each if we wanted to? Or we could have one of each type, and then our favorites?
Normal villagers are EXTREMELY underrated. It hurts me to see people calling them bland
Do I want all personnalities? Yes.

Am I good with following this idea? N.O.

I just got my 6th Normal. Joining my two lazy. Ooooops.

(Yes I am aware that it is too much and I am trying to have different personnalities now. I love cranky and I don't have them just because of (bad)luck. I have a few amiibo and I will kick out some normal. I love them all tho! :cry:
I definitely want all of the personalities just for the chance to have as much variety dialogue as possible.

I New Leaf I don't think I followed that, and I had 3 or 4 Normals at one point. Eventually it started waning on me how boring it was hearing the same thing over and over and I really missed the variety from the personalities I didn't have anymore.