Do you still have your original town?

I still have my copy of acnl that I have been playing on since September of 2014.

I would hate myself so much if I ever decided to do that because of how much progress I would have lost not to mention just how beautiful my town really is and how much more work I have to do.
I don't have my first one.
But it's ok! I have learned a lot since then and am very happy having my second town, it has a map that I like a lot with peaches as my fruit!
Yes, I couldn’t bear to get rid of my town! I wish I’d have looked up and found that the answers you give on the train determine your face! I have the eyes with the eyelashes below them, but I’m totally used to it after all these years! If I would’ve known then I’d have reset right away! My map is alright, and the with amount of hours I’ve spent on it, starting over would have no benefits for me. Everything is a work in progress, and until I decide whether I want to have all my dream villagers or stick with the ones I’ve got (I feel bad getting rid of them when they’ve not done anything!) I don’t want to put my hybrids out or do too many pathways, juuust in case someone plops their house right where they are!
I have my original town still ! Its tough to work with but I have a thing about just working with the first town I get, makes it interesting! :)
Yes. I have my original town for all my Animal Crossing games. When I went back to my Wild World cartridge for the Animal Crosing Old School Week, and I saw my old patterns on the ground and my flower and tree placement choices, I was wondering what the heck I was thinking back then when I thought my town looked great. I still wouldn't restart any of my games though. I know I'd end up regretting it, like so many others have on here if I ever wanted to tour a past part of me.
I still have my original too ! From early 2014.
Horrible character choice like others said, as I didn’t know what choices would end up as what, and I also stuck with my first map choice because I didn’t feel like it really mattered at the time.

I would never restart it though, it’s just too much time and memories, and I didn’t even do landscpaing or pathways ! And dislike most of the villagers I have, even this many years later I’m still cycling people out to get good ones. lol

So for me, it’s the pure nostalgia factor as to why I can’t restart. I definitely am considering, since joining the forums, to buy a new cartridge and actually attempt something nice ! Can’t explain it, but on my original, landscaping and pathways would somehow kill that original-let-things-go-where-they-please vibe I did as a kid. And I’d be awfully sad to let things go, most things have been in their place for four-five years ! At any rate, my original will always be a good place to let trades happen—what could they take from me, kid me only cared about fishing/bugs/balloons !
I was actually thinking just the other day about the fact that I've never nuked an Animal Crossing town. I still have my original towns in the original Animal Crossing, Wild World, and New Leaf. That said, I don't think I'd feel at all upset about restarting the first two because I never played them that seriously and mostly just fooled around and enjoyed the novelty. If I lost my New Leaf town, I'd be pretty devastated. I've even been thinking lately about getting a second cartridge because I'm not willing to delete my original New Leaf town!
Lol, nope. I don't even remember what my original town was called. I have a habit of playing a long time and then resetting when I'm gone for a month or two. My longest running town was Starfall (tho Fujimori is a close second). RIP all the other towns in before and in between.
Absolutely, Calavera is doing great! I don't think I could ever bring myself to leave it behind; i still have the same town in Wild World even after seven years, if that says anything. I like seeing how they change over time-- that, and I get quickly attached to them and feel highly reluctant about resetting them, what can I say ': D
I didn't know what I was doing, just picked a random map from the very 1st 4 selections, not knowing that it's always random and no 2 maps are ever the same, had a lot of annoying move ins, like Tammy who was rude to me about being a n00b mayor which made me really hate her, and Rodney who looked so dumb and was lazy, on top of putting his house in front of my bridge and blocking the way. And I didn't knowyou could move them out either so I thought I was stuck with that set up.
I also had Butch who had no appeal to me because he was very grouchy and had an unsettling deep tone. The only villager I had that I liked was GenjI.
This was all before I did a lot of research on animal crossing and came across a bunch of guides to improve my overall gameplay. I bought acnl without knowing anything about it, thinking it was like harvest moon and essentially a farming tycoon game lmao.
I actually stopped playing after having made my 1st town after 2 days because I simply had no idea what to do and it didn't interest me. I really wanted to like it though so I didn't get back into it until 2 months later when I looked up guides. I deleted that town right away.
I named it Historia.
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Ahhh I really wish I did. My original cartridge with the town of Mew on it was stolen and pawned. Three years of hard work, gone! but I began a new town, Eureka, in November 2016 and it's doing so well! I never thought I'd have a town as good as Mew!
Yes! I've never deleted an animal crossing town, I just feel like i'd be deleting friends ;o; Even when I've wanted to completely redo my NL town, instead of just starting fresh, I tore down all of my pwps, chopped all my trees, and threw all my flowers on the beach while I decided what I wanted to do. I think I've rebuilt that town without actually deleting it about three times, and I think I'm finally happy with it! Now, even though it's pretty dumb, I sort of feel like all my villagers, my Isabelle, my Tom Nook, etc have all grown up with this town over the course of these years ;v; <3
i still have mine, and i don't think i'd ever destroy it- it's too sentimental to me
Nope. I sorta wish I still had it, but at the same time, I had really gotten bored of the game and wanted a fresh start by that point.
Nope! I had made some horrid permanent placement choices that bugged me enough. This new town has been with me since 2015.
Yeah I do! I've never deleted my AC towns, except the first one from the GC game, and even then I felt bad. So I decided to never delete any of my towns again unless I had to.