do you sleep with or without your phone?


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2015
Happy Home Designer Token
Red Candy
by this, i mean do you stay up on your phone until you eventually tire yourself out enough to sleep? i try not to, but it's becoming a must-do essential to topping off my day. even if i'm ready to pass out, it's difficult for me to sleep without staying up at least half an hour on my phone. not sure if this is just me
Unless I need it for alarm I usually let it be in my bag in the hallway. I don't spend much time on it anyways unless I text or call people so yeah I just have it because people like calling me lol :c
Sometimes I'm looking at it for ages, and sometimes I go to sleep because I'm really tired lol. It's not a good idea to have it near you though - you'll want to stare at it if you can't sleep.
without unless i need an alarm because i know if i do i'll stay on it until sunrise aha
Both? Idk. I heard not looking at a screen up to an hour before your sleep is helpful so I've been trying not to. I always tell myself I'm just gonna look at a few things but sometimes I lose track of time and look at my phone for hours lol especially when I'm on belltree. Phones also give off radiation so I try to keep it as far as I can from my face and stuff while I actually sleep.
no, because i use it as my alarm too and when i used to keep it beside my bed i would always fall asleep again right after turning off my alarm so it needs to be somewhere that i need to get up to turn off.
sometimes with sometimes without. if i have the energy to put it on the table next to my bed i will do it but sometimes i'm too tired so i just let it lie beside my pillow
I keep it next to by bed because I have an alarm set for 6am every day (I'm trying to wake up earlier), but I'm not usually on it right before bed. I do, however, play Animal Crossing right before bed :3
I try not to, but some nights I just can't get to sleep so I stay on it until I pass out. I usually have it on the floor beside my bed charging.
My charger is right next to my bed. I always use my phone for a few minutes before I go to sleep.
No, I try to not be on any electronics much before I sleep since they tend to keep me up and make it harder for me to fall asleep. Instead I try to read a bit before I sleep, so I'm relaxed.
It depends how tired I am. I listen to music on my iPad until I begin to fall asleep when I don't feel sleepy. My phone remains on my bed side cabinet as I go to sleep along with my iPad.
>Do you sleep with your phone?
>OP Username: iPhone

I use my phone a lot but I don't sleep with it. I know a lot of people who do and a lot of my family members do(they use it as their alarm clock). I probably would if I wasn't so good at waking up super early every day.