Do you prefer normal or Zero option of drinks ?

Normal VS Zero

  • Zero all the way!

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • Berk, only normal version for me

    Votes: 23 67.6%
  • Always switching it up

    Votes: 4 11.8%

  • Total voters
I stick to the normal when drinking soda. I don’t like how zero options taste more sweet to me (or more artificially fake?), most likely due to the aspartame in them.
If I got to choose, it'd be normal. Other than that, I'd drink whatever c:
Usually if I drink soda I pick zero options for cola and Pepsi and normal for Fanta - don’t really like the taste of the zero option fruit drinks
I don’t typically drink pop/soda anymore but if I do I prefer the normal stuff. All the replacement sugars in the zero versions are gross and usually don’t agree with me. Sure the regular versions are way too sugary but I’d rather that if I have to have a soft drink.
I prefer the taste of the normal ones more, and since I don’t drink fizzy drinks very often, I’m not too concerned with the health side of it. I do have a diabetic partner though, so for special occasions I’ve been buying more sugar-free options recently.
I try to not drink many sugary drinks such as soft drinks and juices from concentrate. I even drink coffee without sugar and drink tea with only honey (a natural sugar) Despite my distaste for sugary drinks, if I had to choose between the regular and zero option I would still choose the regular out of wanting the original taste. I've tried Coke Zero and dislike it, as well as other zero drinks.
Full sugar. If I'm drinking something fizzy, it's almost entirely for the caffeine/sugar hit or to curb nausea.
Zero, I'm losing weight so I gotta save my calories. Though I don't like the taste of regular Zeros, I mostly go with Pepsi Max since that tastes good to me. Coke Vanilla Zero also gets it sweetness from the vanilla so that works too.
I don't love drinking sodas, but when I do, its to keep my sugar up (I have Hypoglycemia) if I needed a regular soda and got a zero one, it might kill me aahha.
Given the choice, I'd go with the normal version, though I don't drink pop too much these days and tbh haven't had any of the Zero option pops out there.
Normal all the way. I can immediately tell by taste if something has the artificial "zero" sugars in it. It leaves a gross aftertaste and of course, they're awful for you (surprising no one lol). That said, I don't drink pop often anyway.
i don't drink carbonated stuff often but i feel like we normally have the diet/zero versions of drinks for health reasons. i normally shake the fizz out of carbonated drinks because i don't like the bubbles. at most if i need to drink something fizzy, it's most likely that i'll pick something like ginger ale and that's if i'm feeling nauseous or something
I only drink "zero" drinks anymore, but I'm not talking Coke Zero or anything. I drink unsweetened sparkling waters that have no sweeteners of any kind.