Do you play on the current date?


Jul 24, 2014
I do but I want to TT to winter so it will be summer on acnl when it's winter here.. But I will miss out some nice events like halloween :(
kind of..the month and date is the current one, but my game's a year ahead (it's august 24th, 2017 in my game rn)
I always play on the current day, keeps the game fresh and entertaining in my opinion. I only TT when cycling villagers and even then I get back to the current date immediately.
I keep one of my towns fairly close to real time, though it's currently a bit over a month behind which I'm working to fix bit by bit. My other town is in March of 2015 and I'm happy to move forward in spurts as big or little as I please when I feel like it. Or not, lol.

I'm in the Southern Hemisphere so it's still Winter for me right now coming up to Spring. Which means AC in real time is always the wrong season for RL. I do love it overall, though it has it's frustrations. I enjoy seeing the snow when it's 40 degrees Celsius outside lol, and summer when it is 6 degrees Celsius like it is right now (it's 4am). I like the contrast!
Yes I play to today's datE. I can relate to the game better when the date is the same as IRL
Nope, I'm on January 4th. I reset my town to the 1st yesterday, and I decided I would play till I get to the current date. I'm allowed to time travel if I play for at least 1 hour each "day". It's really nice in winter, I never played in winter before so this way I can enjoy all seasons more.
I don't like playing on any day other than the current day. I've only done that twice because some unwanted villagers gotten from Streetpass put their houses in AWFUL places, so I needed to get rid of them. Plus, they weren't even villagers I wanted.
I've only ever played on the current date, and I only really change the time when the clocks go forward/back.
My new town theme is Winter Wonderland so I obviously TT to keep it in the Winter months.
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Nope, I TT all the time. Game is so damn boring otherwise. It's almost December in my main town.
i play on current time. it gets boring at around 8 pm since most shops close, unless you have the night owl ordinance, so I quit the game for the night there. BUT it is good to go beetle hunting at 8 so thats a good thing. Plus club lol opens but, you thanks
I always do, if I TT, I TT back as well. I like to stay on the current date so I can experience events like Christmas in ACNL as well as irl
no, i'm months behind in one town and around a week behind in my other. idk i just play when i fee llike it and i dont force myself to play every day.
My main town is always on the right time and date.
My cycling town is currently on same month but it can change...
Unless I need to TT, I always play on the current date. Never had a reason to not do so, unlike those people who change it so that they're always playing during the cherry blossom week... :T
My main town is one day ahead and 4 hours back. I did this so I can play events with the villagers and than celebrate the holidays with my family.
My other towns are on different dates. Playing 4 bug offs would be too much. Other towns are in March, May and December.
I've been playing for 3 years and jumped to late February in my Guest Town. Plan is to play it Late February to Late September and repeat.
i time travel ALL THE TIME but when i feel like im too far away, i head back to the real date
not even close to the current date... :c i time travel when i get bored of the day/have nothing else to do
Yep, I've never TT'd once, although I have possibly considered it to speed up move-outs, but not to skip to other dates.
I usually stay on the current date. I only tt when I need to grow hybrids or to move a villager out.