Do you like or dislike the WA update?

Do you like or dislike the WA update?

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I adore the update. Finally you can decide who lives in your town or not, there is an abundance of new items, and the campground is ingenious! I also want to point out that with the update you can move furniture in so many wonderful ways it makes things incredibly easier! And the villagers they added and brought back are awesome!
I have things I like and dislike about it.
I love the new villagers & items, they really put a lot more into AC:NL with this update and I can appreciate that. But I really don't like the P2W feel of Wisp and the Amiibos, since you have to buy them all. I've spent over $200 on my amiibo cards and still haven't collected all of the popular ones, much less every single one of them. It's why I'm currently doing a small giveaway with my Erik and Skye cards. I had extras just sitting there and I hate to think they're going to waste by doing absolutely nothing with them. In the end if you go about trying to collect them all just by purchasing the packs and not doing anything online with them, then you're going to end up with a lot of duplicates (I had THREE Skye cards before the giveaway, not to mention all of my other duplicates of less popular villagers.) Thankfully, I'm doing a trade with some of my duplicates as well with the person who runs Fantasia's cycling service. They're super nice and are trading me some of their extra 'popular' cards. I love forums like these where you can trade. It's really great, and there are amazing people out there doing giveaways for cards and helping people get their dreamies too, so everyone can enjoy the WA update, and amiibos in general, even if they don't have cards.
I love it!!! The new furniture and being able to scan in/kick out villagers is amazing!
I hadn't played NL in soo long then everyone was hyped about the new Villagers and new items so I got back in and I love it once again!
deffo like! the campsite and all the new hhd furniture are such nice additions, and amiibo functionality is a blessing from our lord and saviour tom nook himself
I've never played before the update, so I don't really know, but from what I've heard, it made everything better~ I can't imagine how it'd be to play with plot resetting animals that would go literally anywhere or that move away within only 5 days, very easy to miss...
Although I'm sad I've never had the sick villager event. It sounds really cute and I want it back, Nintendo! ;v;
I really enjoy the update! It's practically responsible for me getting back into ACNL. I love all the new items and there's tons of villagers I missed from the Gamecube days that are now back in the mix. I do wish Nintendo did a little more for us though (ex. still had DLC regularly) just because it's been a while since a main series game came out. I honestly wouldn't mind if they kept doing updates like this, as long as it wasn't years between each one... LOL!
Villagers don't get sick anymore

So yeah for the most part, I like it :)

:( Thinking about one here had gotten sick since the update!
But. I do lovee it my campground was in a great spot it didn't conflict with anything annnd right next to my house! Also I was semi-obcessing over amiibo cards so.. allllso Christmas 2015 I got amiibo packs in which I got cheri and Annalisa ( among others ) which matters because my lil brother lost both... Untill.... Wa! Besides that my first wa card pack ( also my only ) had my fav from pg-- Candi! All in all. I lovee this update!
I like it, but since the WA, and Sanrio cards are hella rare where I live and people sell them for scalper prices it's a bit moneygrab I think...
I'm the one who voted dislike, mainly to throw a little spice into this runaway poll. The good points have been covered pretty well. I really don't like sitting on rocks when I'm shoveling them or shaking trees accidentally. These things just require me to be aware and careful but, c'mon, hitting the TOP of a palm tree? The original is a more peaceful place to live but the update has so much great stuff... Currently, I have 6 original villes and 13 updated so it's the best of all worlds. (At least until Switch gives us what we are all (?) waiting for.)
Yeah it is pretty neat but erasing all of the old dream addresses kinda sucked.
I really love it, they added a lot more than I expected then too. I think all the furniture from HHD was included too which is reeally nice??? ^O^ It also makes it easier and more stress-free to deal with villagers moving and such.