Do you go with the flow or plan everything?

I like to plan out my paths, and as long as they are fine, I just go with the flow. I hate when villagers move in annoying spots (right in front of the town hall or train station). so I try to keep them away from there, but other than that, I'm pretty chill
I think for the future, but I live for the moment. I like to have an idea of what I want, but won't really decide on anything until I need to... and not because I'm lazy.
I have a planned town. My villagers are planned, where there house is is planned. Each flower or tree is planned. I don`t like to be surprised by a villager moved in a horrible spot. So I make sure no ones leaving before I end the game.
I usually go with the flow. I have some little ideas I want to implement into my town, but usually I just design it based on the town layout and where the residents live. It never ceases to fail.