Did you have a lot of friends in school?

Well if you count people who were friends but not really close, then I actually had quite a few. But less than 10 of them were close to me.
I’ve had literally no friends all throughout high school. I didn’t have any in the previous years either. I had nothing in common with anyone. My goal was to just graduate so I can become an adult and move on with my life. I didn’t like school one bit.
I had two friends back in High School. They weren’t the type to let gossip affect their opinions of people, so it was easy to be friends with them.
i had a small group of friends start of high school and then when i moved high school that morphed into a bigger group, i keep in touch with only 3 of them now but they were a great bunch of people & i had a great hs experience with them
I had one best friend in primary school who ditched me her other friends when we were in our last year. Then in secondary school I had three friends but as we got older we all became different people. One started smoking and hanging out with the wrong crowd and the other had a new boyfriend every week.

By the time we got to college we all just stopped speaking and went our separate ways. Funnily enough though one guy I never spoke to at school is now a great work colleague of mine. We often reminisce about school and find it odd we were never friends back then.
I did not. I have a really hard time making friends and it didn't help that we moved to a new (small) town when I first entered high school. It was hard to make friends with people who had known each other their whole lives, definitely made me feel like an outsider and made me feel even more shy. I was lucky enough that a really sweet girl approached me one day when she saw me eating lunch alone because she recognized me from a class we had together. I'm so grateful that she did because she's still one of my best friends today! I sort of joined in with her friend group but only properly befriended her and another girl, really. I'd have passing relationships with other people (we were friendly enough that we'd sit in class but not hangout outside of school) but during my final year of high school I was transferred to an alternative program where I didn't make any friends. A few acquaintances but no real friends that I'd talk to outside of school - luckily the program was a lot of individual work so it was okay.
i had a Lot of friends from primary school through high school — was one of those people who got along with just about everyone and all that, but i transferred schools halfway through my sophomore year and 90% of my friend circle decided it wasn’t worth the effort to keep up with me. nor did i make any friends at my new school the only person I ever really interacted with regularly was a senior i had to do a project with who wouldn’t stop hitting on me no matter how much i turned him down lmao

i didn’t have any friends in uni either because i didn’t make much an effort to talk to my classmates. plenty of friendly acquaintances! but not really any friends. i got too used to befriending people online to do it irl lol
honestly i've had better friendships in my last year or so of school than i have for most of my life
i have a small group of close friends, four of us in total who are my 'best friends' and two other friends who go out with us outside of school n stuff, but it's kind of like the merging of two separate friendship groups? there's this one girl who i'd say is a close friend who hangs out with us every once in a while but she doesn't really stick around, though we talk all the time.
outside of this i always have friends that i'm not close to who i can talk to in lessons.
i think part of this is down to me becoming more socially confident and extroverted recently and it's nice to have best friends who i can consistently talk to and go out with, something i never really had when i was younger, and also friends that i can talk to in all of my subjects.

lmao very funny to see my perspective on this four years ago! in my early life i found it hard to keep friendships, but throughout high school i had my small group of close friends, who i still keep in touch with just as much even though we're all at uni. i definitely wouldn't say i was extroverted four years ago - since coming to uni i've gained a lot more friends. i still have my core friendship group - very similar to the one i have at home - but we all have mutual friends who we're all close too and hang out with regularly, plus i have my own separate friends/friend groups from my course.
honestly, no lol. i believe the most school friends that i ever had at one time was three. 🥴
I had friends but they all forgot me and a few who I thought were my best friends backstabbed me. I don't even what to think about it.
I had a boyfriend for one year, but then when he dumped me I was back to being a loner lmao. I at least made acquaintances with some of the art kids, and I was somewhat close to the art teacher.
I had a decent-sized friend group in high school. There were probably about 12 to 15 of us in total. I wasn't really close with all of them, but I had about 3 close friends and my boyfriend in the group and I was comfortable hanging out with everyone else.

That was honestly the most friends I've ever had at one time and the most social I've ever been. I've usually had only 2 or 3 friends at any other point in my life.
I did not have a lot of friends due to a weird situation I was in. I went to a small-ish school where everyone knows everyone and how lucky for me that my sister made it her mission to steal all of my friends and turn them against me. She basically prevented me from making friends with a large amount of the other students and really encouraged others to bully me. Not everyone bullied me, but it definitely prevented me from forming close or meaningful friendships. There are only 2 people who I keep in contact with now from my school days, all my other friends are from college/work in my adult years.
Well, not really. I may have had a few friends in elementary school but I don't quite remember.
I had at least one friend in middle school. Maybe some more but one in particular I remember well.
I'm pretty sure I had no friends in high school. There were some people I sort of knew because I was put into special education classes which mostly had all the same students, but I don't think we were really that close.
I'm pretty sure this was caused by my social anxiety which only got worse as I grew older.
I never stayed in contact with anyone after graduating, though I kinda wish I could see that friend from middle school again..
i went from having one absolute best friend in first school to a fairly large group in middle school/early secondary school (i think we peaked at like 9 or 10 people?) but as is life, the group gradually drifted apart into smaller groups and now i have more of a 'core' group of about 4 or 5 of us, plus other mutual friends that i hang out with now and then. i wouldn't say i had a *lot* of friends but i definitely wasn't alone either
I had no friends at my high school. The few friends I had went to other schools and one was never really a true friend since I think even back then she never seemed interested in what i had to say and treated me a bit differently.
not really. even before quarentine happened we generally just went to school to do our work and left. most people weren't really talking to each other so there wasn't any chance to make friends.
Jr. High is where I had the most friends (group of 5 of us) but I was usually bullied and kept to my self in elementary school.

High School I didn't have many friends at all, I would sit in the hallways during lunch/breaks.