David Bowie dead at 69

Late to the party in posting this, but I feel like a part of me is gone.

I am also one that has never really mourned for a celebrity at all, but Bowie--for me--was completely different; he was not just a celebrity to me. His music and he himself were so tied into my formative years and therefore, who I am today. I am so grateful to him for that.

When I went to join this site I found the username Bowie was taken. I think Bowie (user here) is doing a great job carrying that name. :) But that being my first choice says a lot about how I feel.

(Munna is a reference to the Dreamsuite & Luna...as the Pok?mon Munna is all about dreaming...)

I could not comment on this earlier as I was too heartbroken, and reading articles and news reports would only dilute & cheapen the genuine grief I have been feeling.

I consider him a hero of mine, and I think "Sail Away" really gives the feeling justice, and the album "Heathen" is a bit less well known, but really beautiful.
I cried through most of a box of tissues, and the bulk of the intense pain has finally passed--but I will still have to grieve like I would with a loved one, because he was a loved one to me.
It's sad to see him go! I loved his role in the Labyrinth, and also a lot of his older songs. Didn't he release Blackstar like right before he died too?

Definitely gonna miss him :/
I have heard this song on the radio before. I feel so stupid for not recognizing his music until just now >_<

How could I?

Alright, I gotta say this...I feel so stupid for not realizing how legendary David Bowie was, I feel so ignorant for not recognizing his music up until tonight. I'm so sorry Bowie I failed you!! please forgive me! :(
I was terribly sad when I heard of his death, loved him in the Labyrinth and his music. He truly is a legend.
