Currently Playing?

I've been trying to play Civ V but it keeps crashing on me! >:|

Hmm, weird everything updated and such? Try on a lower resolution like direct 9 instead of the higher ones?

or verify files, usually help :3

anyways, PvZ Heroes(trash game but love koot stuff mang), TF2, Darkest Dungeon, and DQ7 on my 3ds that kinds sucks but eh...
I took some time to replay Okami after about 6 years. About 2/3 through and the dialogue is much more hilarious than I remember. Soundtrack is still OP.

I finally have my PC back and more or less set up so once Okami is done I can get started on the Witcher trilogy after owning it for a year. I was able to read most of the books in preparation so I'm pretty excited, absolutely one of my favourite fantasy series (if not my absolute favourite), I've been wanting to play the games for a long time now.
Stella Glow and loving every bit of it! I also just ordered Story of Seasons and Rune Factory 4 :)
Just finished Bayonetta. Still gonna work to unlock some extra stuff, but I've completed the story and it was great! Easily one of the best games I've ever played.
Hmm, weird everything updated and such? Try on a lower resolution like direct 9 instead of the higher ones?

or verify files, usually help :3

anyways, PvZ Heroes(trash game but love koot stuff mang), TF2, Darkest Dungeon, and DQ7 on my 3ds that kinds sucks but eh...

lol I'm replying so late! I updated the driver/uninstalled&reinstalled and that helped for a while but now I can't get past 50 turns without it crashing. I've heard it's a windows 10 thing but IDK ;3;

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Also, currently playing Pokemon Moon, like a lot of people rn!
pokemon moon, fantasy life & animal crossing new leaf.
Stella Glow and loving every bit of it!

I tried the demo and wasn't all that impressed, but I have been fooled by lame demos before...some games turn out to be completely different from the demos. Is Stella Glow such a case? I was eyeing it for a long time before release, but decided to pass it up. If I can find a cheap copy somewhere, I might finally pick it up.

Back on topic, I'm on the Pokemon Sun/Moon bandwagon currently. Also playing a bit of Terraria on the side.
I just started playing The Last of Us again, got it a few years back when I first got my PS4 but never played past the first few chapters