Curious... Who ACTUALLY plays ACNL in 3D?

3D Yes or no?

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I used to play in 3D, but I stopped because I had to hold the screen SO far away from my face and at a perfect angle. If I moved it by even a millimetre, the screen would get messed up.

3D, brightly coloured games, and/or old games all make me nauseous or at the very least give me a headache. :(
I don't play anything in the 3D because I just don't like it. It's not 3D to me anyway, and I got the 3DS for the games, not the features.
i play all my games in 3d and i love it. at first it gave me headaches but i adapted to it and it makes every game look brighter and well... 3d lol.

it makes me sad that the poll only has 2 "all the time" voters which one of them was me :(
I accidentally clicked 2Ds option but I actually don't have a 2DS. I don't play in 3D though, I like 2D better :)
I can't play in 3D for the same reasons that everyone else has stated. It hurts my eyes, gives me headaches, and generally gives me motion sickness.

Usually when I get a new game, I turn on the 3D for a few seconds just to say, "Oh, hey, 3D! Neato!" and then I turn it right back off.
I used to play all the time in 3d, then my screen cracked. It makes double images now whenever I try to turn on the 3d function.
hell no gross
my vision's already bad
whenever someone forces me to watch a 3D movie I have to wear those 3D glasses over my glasses it's terrible