Selling - Closed -

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Come on, buy my planet wand,
This collectible needs some user to bond,
Some user that is overly fond,
I don’t want to toss it into a pond.
Does anyone have any TBT to spare with this poor apple?

I could also accept trades for another glow wand.
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I prefer to sell it as soon as I can, but I’ll keep bumping this every day until it’s sold, even if it carries into December.
Will consider trading for Love Ball or Moon Ball.

I may be rich in collectibles, but I am poor in Bells.
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Bumper Car Returns

I’ll probably not sell the wand until we’re all out of mission tokens and until the collectibles disappear from the shop, but this apple still needs help climbing back to 10k TBT.

Just letting you know, 1.8k TBT for a planet wand is too low. Even if you were to negotiate for a lower price, I can’t sell below 3k TBT, let alone 2k TBT.
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Remember, you can trade an older collectible (either a glow wand or Pokéball) to get my planet wand.

I also have two new collectibles, a white moon and blue moon. They sell for 1,500 TBT and 500 TBT, respectively (but show the Hoppips first). I can also trade the white one for a Cool Feather.
I found another purpose for the blue and white moons. If they don’t sell by the next time I bump this thread, I may pull them from the outpost to use as future giveaway prizes. Otherwise, I would give out TBT Bells as the prizes for what I had in mind.

The planet wand is still being sold though. I’m not going to lower the price.
Hi Apples! What is the time and date on your Blue Moon?

ehehhehe here is a lil hoppip!
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