Childhood misconceptions

I didn’t have any childhood misconceptions. I read a ton of books growing up in elementary and middle school, and therefore learned about a lot of things I otherwise wouldn’t have. My family and friends also didn’t make up stuff usually, and if they did I questioned it.

Well I did believe in Santa until I was around 10 years old, but so do most kids. You can count that one if you want I guess.
I thought that monsters pulled kids into their beds if they were "bad". My older cousin told me this and referenced Nightmare on Elm Street. I remember googling the movie, seeing the pictures, and believing it was a real story. I was dumb not to read the movie caption.. And somehow I never bothered to watch the movie until it was an extra credit op in uni haha
I used to think rain was a result of angels taking a shower because my mom would tell me that was the case whenever I asked her where rain came from, though sometimes she'd also tell me rain drops were angel tears, which would just confuse me even more.

I used to think that dinosaurs could be brought back to life using the same methods as in Jurassic Park.

As a kid, I always wondered how babies were born, the processes involved in how they came to be and why only women could become pregnant, but my mom would never tell me. :lemon:
So, I just assumed that once a woman became an adult, pregnancy just magically happened—like a 'certificate of adult authenticity'...that is until I watched aliens for the first time... Needless to say, I was freaked out for a while.

I used to believe that swallowing seeds would make fruit grow inside of your stomach, so I'd cry whenever I accidentally swallowed any.

I used to believe that Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, leprechauns, ghost, ect were all real

There were a lot of misconceptions I bought as a kid before I entered school, I always questioned a lot of my beliefs, but was never really corrected. I guess it's "cuter" to keep kids from knowing about reality.
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I didn't understand how babies were made until I was about 11 and a half. I thought that simply being married and lying in bed together could cause a couple to become pregnant :p

I also believed that if you crossed your eyes they would stay that way because my mom told me that
The only one I can think off at the moment, is that I had thought that when you're on a plane, you could actually open the windows. I remember hearing about my cousin going on a flight and thought she was lucky to be able to open the windows and touch the fluffy clouds, which is another misconception that a lot of us probably had XD
I'm sure this is a common one but I thought you could get pregnant by simply kissing boys, so I never even kissed my male relatives on the cheek. I'm gay now, so that might have just been foreshadowing, but it was also influenced by this misconception lol.

Not my own story, but my mother thought vipers laid eggs on trees because her aunt had told her so (not sure why, she probably said something else and my mother just misunderstood), so she was terrified of going for walks in the woods with her family. Similarly, I thought sharks could live in swimming pools because of some dumb story a classmate told me in elementary school.
I didn't understand how babies were made until I was about 11 and a half. I thought that simply being married and lying in bed together could cause a couple to become pregnant :p

I also believed that if you crossed your eyes they would stay that way because my mom told me that

I didn't even think you had to be in bed LOL, I thought all that it took was that you were married. Of course, when I learned about unmarried girls having teenage pregnancies happen, I began questioning that...
I used to think that you were finished with school when you turned 12. Man, was I disappointed!
I thought peanut brittle was called seanut brittle up until I was like 12 (I watched too much spongebob LOL)
I believes that if you slept with your leg(s) over the side of the bed, a monster from underneath would pull you under the bed.

I still get a weird feeling if any of my limbs go over the edge of the bed due to this fear as a child lol.
Nanna told me if I kept pulling faces at her and the wind changed direction, I'd stay that way forever. o_O

I also thought that people on TV lived in the box.

I asked dad if they could see us.

He said yes. O_O
I thought becoming an adult was going to be amazing.


Why was I dumb?
I thought becoming an adult was going to be amazing.


Why was I dumb?

I did the same thing.

Don't you ever just want to go back in time and fabulously slap yourself? Sometimes I do, lol.
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when i was a kid i thought the edges of my bed were like a guillotine and if i hung my leg / arm off id be gone xD also i thought my blanket was like an impregnable defenses wall
my mom told me that after a woman got married she asked god to make her pregnant
I thought becoming an adult was going to be amazing.


Why was I dumb?

Same. I used to get angry when my mom wouldn't let me eat a lot of sweets and I told her, "when I turn 18 I'm gonna buy so many of these and I can eat all I want" ... well, now at 25 I realize how right she was about it being bad for you. I ate too much candy, and nobody stopped me. Also, bills and taxes, and job, bad back, and psoriasis lol. I miss being a bab. I thought being a teenager would be awesome - then I got there! Then I thought being an adult would be awesome - then I got there!

To avoid me seeing anything "bad" online, my parents convinced me that YouTube was a virus.

Same with my parents and Photobucket, as well as Myspace!


When I was very young, I thought that babies were made when mommies ate too much! Food baby!
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1. I thought that wearing sandals would help you run faster
2. You start out as a good kid, being evil when you become a teen, then revert back to being nice in your adult years

- - - Post Merge - - -

1. I thought that wearing sandals would help you run faster
2. You start out as a good kid, being evil when you become a teen, then revert back to being nice in your adult years
I thought becoming an adult was going to be amazing.


Why was I dumb?

Yeah, same here. I couldn't wait to grow up because I thought being an adult would give me freedom. I didn't realize that all the responsibilities and consequences of your decisions really leave you with very few options. Now I sometimes wish I could be a kid again, or at least a teenager so I still have the freedom of driving. LOL

Otherwise, I don't think I had too many misconceptions. I believed in Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy up until a certain age (7 or 8 maybe?), but so does almost every kid. There were lots of things I didn't know, there still are, but I knew that I didn't know them. People didn't tell me things that were made up, or if they did I knew they were joking.