Buying Bush starts, flowers and trees.

Thanks again. I can look around my town for more of the non-hybrid flowers you're looking for, I have tons I'm not doing anything with.
Omg! You forgot 1 holly sapling. You mustve missed it because there was a bush infront

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Gates are open! Or did you want me to come over? confused now :p
I found 4 more white lilies, 20 white roses, 2 blue hydrangea starts, 2 pink hydrangea starts, 1 pink azalea start, and 1 sweet olive start.
Done! So, as you can imagine, 42 million is a pain to count out. if you find ive miscounted and short changed you, let me know and ill drop it round tomorrow.

As for the rest of you, I really need sleep so tomorrow I'll do the rest of you who want to sell bush starts :)

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It's lemonbiscuits then Astro :)
Hello! I have 3 pink hydrangea bush starts, 2 blue hydrangea bush starts, and 1 holly start :D