Best smugs? Seeking opinions~


Pink n' black~
Dec 15, 2016
I used to have smug villagers in my town a long time ago, but I never got along with them so well. I haven't had one in a loooong while but I'm thinking about giving them another chance.

Which smugs are your favorites? I pretty much know nothing about them haha
I also know that Julian and Marshal are the super popular smugs, but tbh not too interested in them..
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I understand if clowns aren't your thing but I think Pietro is the cutest because he is RAINBOW!!!!

Julian was my first choice obviously because I have him but you said you're not interested lol
i love o'hare and shep, but kyle is my ult smug

i think beardo's character design is really nice too and jacques is everyone's favorite french sleezy boi
I hate smugs but apparently O'Hare is a smug ? He just recently moved into my 1/1 Challenge town and i like him and I used to have Eugene in my old town i loved him
Pietro isn't as cool looking up close.
I booted him out and have to see IT in Main St. everyday.

Kyle looks great, but his house exterior = a dump.

I have Shep.
He looks fantastic, and his house exterior is decent. ^_^
Colton is probably my favorite, I like his design and how it fits with the personality! I also like smugs that look like cool punk dudes like Kyle and Eugene.
I have Kyle. ^^ He's my buddy!
Then Lionel (I think he's a smug), Jacques and Ken.
i would say kidd. i never had him but he was in my sister's town & easily became my favorite smug villager.
Wow! Thank you guys for so many suggestions!!

O’Hare is kinda cute (or maybe cause I’m partial to bunnies) but Pietro also seems really cool! I don’t like clowns but for some reason, his design doesn’t bother me. He seems like one of those villagers where no matter what he says/does, it would be amusing lol plus the sheep are my fav, can’t get enough of how cute and fat they all are!

Shep and Ken don’t seem too bad either... so many choices xD I guess I’ll keep looking around. Hopefully one of these guys decides to camp soon.. I know it’s random but I seem to get many jock and lazy campers but not any smug.
My favorites are Beardo (obviously) and Zell. Julian gets honorary mention because he's fabulous. Lol.
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