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Bell Tree Direct - 7.28.21 - Theme Update! And Camp Bell Tree Delayed

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I'm not bothered at all that my seasons and moon will be upside down; it's clear that you have all put in a great deal of effort to introduce this beautiful theme update! I can't wait to see the changes! 😊

Thank you for all your hard work! 😍🌞🌲 🌒🌓🌕🌖🌗
So excited to see changing themes!

Also the event being pushed back actually worked out better for me so I’m super excited to be able to participate more now!
Ah what an exciting update! As Southern Hemisphere, we are used to the seasons being backwards ;) Night mode has been my most wanted feature for ages so it will be nice not to burn my eyeballs out at nighttime. :)
Wow. I'm amazed at how much love and effort the staff put into this forum... honestly, what other forum does this for its members?? Thank you so much 💜💜
Oh man, the power here just came back on after an outage, and even though it's pretty late I wanted to check the forums real quick—and what a surprise to come back to! The nighttime theme looks absolutely gorgeous, I love it! 🌙 I can't wait to see the other times of day (and the seasons!) on the forums. I think the changing moon phases are going to be a definite favorite for me. ^^ Thank you all so much for putting the work in to make this for us!
Already opted-in to Camp Bell Tree and I'm super hyped for it, but I think the slight delay is actually going to work out better for me as well. There's some stuff I've been wanting to work on, but I wasn't sure how well I'd be able to balance it with an event about to start—now hopefully I can get to work on it and be better prepared come the eighth!
the reduced width :") thank u for the night/seasonal themes again!! so excited to see the fall one coming soon :) also super excited for camp bell tree!!! hopefully i can participate as much as i'd like to since school starts on aug 16th for me
Yessss, a familiar face from TBT 2.0 makes its return, and in upgraded style as well. Thank you, staff, for all of your hard work on this. Looking forward to camp as well.
I LOVE the new banner and that gorgeous moon!! (Laudine💛🌝🌙) I tend to come on late at night and I know I will really love seeing the night skies!) … seasonal themes and Camp Belltree - can’t wait!!
Beautiful work! Already opted in for camp, too. Can't wait! 💛
AHHHHH~ Is that why?

I logged in around 2 hours ago and was like: Huh… It’s all dark themed now… Was it always?
Screen Shot 2021-07-29 at 6.48.17 pm.png

This was an absolutely beautiful page to open when I logged in. The new time themes are simply gorgeous. Thank you Laudine, Chris, Jeremy, and the rest of the staff!
Not being able to sleep came with a lovely surprise 😍 the 4 am skyline was absolutely beautiful! Was up early for work and the sunrise (along with a strong ☕😂) was almost worth getting up for!

Thank you so much @Jeremy @Laudine and @Chris for all your hard work on this. All the staff work so hard to make this forum the best!! 💫💜

Signed up for camp, can’t wait! Would love to be reunited with some Blue’s Clues team mates and hope to meet some new friends! 😊
I'm glad the time changing themes for the forums are back! I was sad that it went away for quite a while when the forums had to be changed. As for the Camp Bell Tree, I'm still curious to know what it's all about. I've never participated in the TBT Fair before from the previous years, so if anyone knows what it's all about, I would appreciate it if you could fill me in with the details. :)
I got the fright of my life when I opened TBT early this morning to the dark theme, my first thought was “have I slept until Halloween”, and then I thought “oh no, another practical joke”. However, I was pleasantly surprised!!

thank you so much staff ❤️ It’s little things like this which make visiting TBT so pleasant 😊
just logged on for the first time today, and i’m in absolute AWE of the sunrise banner! i absolutely wasn’t expecting the time-based theme to be back anytime soon, but i’m so glad to see it again, and it looks stunning so far!!! @Laudine never fails to amaze me with how talented she is. 💖

see ya’ll at camp!
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