Bell Tree Direct - 10.1.2013

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Wow, moar stuff :eek: I may use that Antonio Avatar. But I'll probably be switching back later on. :/
I am just excited about my new Beau avatar! Thanks Thunder :blush:
Love the pear, and I really like the birthstones too ^^
and the Cycling tag in the villager trading plaza makes life so much easier too :D
All of this productivity is proving to be quite overwhelming! I think that it's brilliant!
Yay! More collectibles! :) I definitely wanna collect all the birthstones. Can't wait for the Amethyst.
I've decided that it's a good thing that my birthstone (peridot) will be that last one to get. It gives me areason to stick around for another year ;)
So are all villager giveaway threads required to change to the 'cycling prefix' even though we're not cycling, just giving away?

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Also, what's the main difference between generic avatars and modern ones?
Great work, Thunder! <3
cool! ty for the shotout thunder :p

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my collectibles are ugh atm though.
you did scoot
i love you

opal looks pretty oo
also thanks for adding the cycling tag uvu
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