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Art Gallery house/room competition! Visiting exhibitions via the Dream Suite!


Senior Member
Jul 5, 2015
Pear (Fruit)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Winter Mittens
I wanted to create an ART GALLERY HOUSE competition!

People can create a house, or clear out a room in a previously existing house to create an exhibition (similar to the Museum exhibitions, but you can't visit the Museum in the DA)

You can use anything (custom designs, QR, furniture, customs) to create a theme or artwork in a room or house.

(yes you can use these, but make the idea your own with your imagination):[/B]

-using the Museum rope and placing artworks, flowers & other decorations into a room of a similar theme or colour.

-placing a single chair in a room with a dripping bucket to create a theme of loneliness or a haunted room

-visiting dream towns with free designs, coping them and filling a room with pictures from around the world! Design the flag of the country you got the picture from & place it next to the design.

-making your own custom designs & styling a room with them & the wallpaper +floors in your own design that creates a work of art.

-making a David Bowie tribute room with your own designs or lightening bolts

-create a work of art in your mind & try to use a room/design in game to create it.

-You could use 5 items placed with skill in a white room to evoke emotion... paired with the right music box.

-using designs, furniture & colours to create a scene with mannequins like a photograph or emotion.

See all the rooms in Ziggy's house in Lantern Town-Player name: Mitsuko, Town: Lantern (especially back room & left & right room)
this gives you examples of how I've used a few rooms to demonstrate an emotion rather than create an interior design.

The left room & basement in Mitsuko's house are also about a story, rather than a normal house design. (6400-5637-3487)


-pavement art---create your own patterns or designs (cannot use QR codes for this--I will check Wendell) and place them in a spiral or square to create an art on the ground.

-flower/shell art-- Many dream town already put flowers in rows like a rainbow, but doing something unique with the flowers, like meticulously placing them on the beach to form a pattern or design.

I have placed yellow flowers on the left side of my beach in Lantern Town to spell out "I love you" it didn't take long at all.
With some effort someone could create art with custom designs, flowers & shells.


-going too far with horror or insulting themes/designs for the sake of shock (you can make sad themes, but because you feel like expressing that, not to be cool or edgy)

-interior decorating--it's not meant to be an interior design competition with HHA points. Or completely relying on QR codes.
You could use 5 items placed with skill in a white room to evoke emotion... paired with the right music box. It's not about points, it's about creating art.

-Copying homes from themed towns or dream towns instead of making your own concept or design.
You can use QR codes & designs from other people---but mix them with your own to use your own creativity along with theirs.


-Create unique, colourful or compelling ART!
-Use your imagination
-Use a room, floor, signs, or entire house!
-Make me feel something, see something beautiful, or something spellbinding

***I have not decided a time limit, I want many entries & will pick a winner after looking at entries & seeing something that makes me go "WOW!"
This is for fun, and people will get the benefit of seeing each other's attempts & art along the way. Enjoy the journey & don't get all antsy about the ending!***

How is the ART judged?

I will be visiting creations via dreamsuite & taking my time on bad health days!
I will not visit people who didn't follow the rules, harass me or others in the thread.
If there are many entries I may create a poll out of my top choice entries.


I strong suggest you enter this competition for love of seeing art & having others visit your DA. There are excellent TBT prizes, but you may be disappointed if doing this solely for that reason.
I really just want people to be creative & see cool exhibitions!

300 TBT

200 TBT

This will be dependent on number of entries.

I just don't want to promise anything, but trust me awesome entries=awesome response. :) + DA hits.

-This is a good place to level up your DA points & Dreamer badge because participants are going to look at each other's submissions for comparison & inspiration.
Encouraging each other is welcome, but no put downs of other artists or me.

I may also throw in a rare item like a throne, or Gracie furniture piece for runner ups & bonuses! :) Those that want it can get me to type up a DA review of their town too.

Good Luck! I think this will be extremely fun & can't wait to see what people make! :)


Town name:
Player who owns the ART HOUSE/ROOM for inspection:
Where is the room/Art?:
Dream Address?:
Name of exhibition or artwork?
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Hi. This sounds fun, but I have a few questions.

Are we allowed to enter a room/ house that we already created?

I read everything and it sounds like we can enter outside areas too. Is this correct?

Can I enter an entire house, or just one room?

Thanks so much. I hope lots of people enter.

1)Can I enter an entire house, or just one room?

Yes, you can enter as many or as little rooms as you like!

2) I read everything and it sounds like we can enter outside areas too. Is this correct?

Yes, but it has to be made for the competition like the pavement art described, or flowers arranged into a word/picture (not just normal rows of flowers)
It has to be obvious that it's outdoor art, and not just some nice gardening.

3) Are we allowed to enter a room/ house that we already created?

That's a tough one. Ultimately it would probably be better to start fresh with a room or project with the idea to "create art" as most people are making a living space or themed house.

However if someone genuinely already has a room or house that was designed as a piece of art & not just a normal house, than that may be acceptable if it's creative.

I think it would be more fun to create something for the competition though. I'm not going to officially checking this, so you could use a piece you already made if i haven't seen it.

I can't wait to see your town soon! :)
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Well. I'm currently working on an American, red ,white and blue town, but I don't think I could have it ready in time. I will certainly try.

I do have a house in my Critters town that has some fun art that I made and some that I found online. I would like to enter it, but only if you haven't seen it and are ok with me entering it. If not, then I'll try to get busy with my new town and use that instead.

This sounds like so much fun. I hope lots of people participate.