Are there any non-dreamies that ended up being a fav more than your actual dreamie?

Tutu the stinky bear.
Pierce wa one of my first two villagers and honesty I thought he was going to be one of the first to go but he's grown on me being my delightfully obnoxious jock
I was looking on mystery islands for some really grumpy looking cranky villagers like Hopper or Rasher. And I already had Fang, which I thought was one of my favorites ever. But then I came across Groucho, and just melted. He looks so shy and cute for a cranky, especially with his expressions, and now he's in my village and I am never, ever letting him go. I'd seen his amiibo, but it wasn't till I saw him animated that I got his appeal.

I kept looking and looking for Zucker, and after a couple of months of real-life time I finally happened across him. Only to find that I prefer Drago so much that I don't even want another lazy on the island anymore because they can't compare. Which makes me feel a bit silly, after all the effort and nook miles I put into Zucker.
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Rowan and Diva were my first villager when I started the game. It was love at first sight with Rowan, and somehow that love grew to "you can never leave the island." He is so stupid cute. I think most pictures don't do these animals justice. They look better in game.

I found most villagers on mystery islands, and grew to love them. The most recent one is Ruby. Rabbit villagers are so adorable with their floppy ears. The only amiibo ones I got were Tangy (who is sent away, but will come back later) and Grizzly (fell in love with him). And of course, I bought Raymond from another user.
It happens to me all the time! These two cuties were not dreamies of mine at all until I actually met them in game and fell in love! ❤

First off, Grizzly. I've never liked the Bears (too big), or so I thought. Grizzly is the perfect Cranky villager in my eyes now!


Shep... He is S tier Smug in my eyes now! I cannot imagine my island without this adorable boy.

It happens to me all the time! These two cuties were not dreamies of mine at all until I actually met them in game and fell in love! ❤

First off, Grizzly. I've never liked the Bears (too big), or so I thought. Grizzly is the perfect Cranky villager in my eyes now!


Shep... He is S tier Smug in my eyes now! I cannot imagine my island without this adorable boy.


Oh my goodness, the same thing may be happening to me re: bears. I did not have any dislike of them, but they’ve been steadily growing on me as I encounter them in the game. First ursala, who I regret not inviting while island hopping, then charlise, who I failed at inviting from my campsite, and now I just moved in Ike. He was not on my radar at all, and I had pretty much decided to give up on cranky villagers after I let Kabuki move, but I am really loving him so far! He just looks so cuddly! I don’t know what it is. He’s only been around about a week, but so far I kinda love him!
I wasn't too thrilled to get Amelia. I was gonna kick her out. I eventually started liking her. Now she's one of my favorites.
I’m pretty sure ‘dreamies’ is just a short version of ‘dream villager’ so I don’t think the tier list comes into it, except for those people who base their favorites on the tier lists. The tier lists are popular villagers. ‘Dreamies’ are people’s particular favorites.

I disagree that villagers are lacking in this game in particular, and thus is popularity is now based only on looks. But of course the first part is a very subjective judgement, and I accept that they are lacking for you.

I think the popularity list has always been determined by appearance though. (I think even if each villager had completely individualized dialogue it would be)

I’m fairly sure that even in pre-NL games, where the dialogue seems to have had more options, diversity, etc, it was still based on personality, not unique to each villagers, so preferences within a personality type were still based on the look of the villager, not that there is anything wrong with that. And I’m not invalidating preferences either; sometimes when you like the look of the villager, or how they emote, or just something clicks for you, it makes the dialogue work differently/ better.

For example, I don’t think I particularly like the smug personality, but when it is my little graham, I find it much more charming!

This!!!! I love a lot of popular smug designs like Julian, Raymond and Marshal but they just don’t ‘click’ with me with the smug personality as it sounds a bit weird coming from them in my opinion. Whereas I love Kyle because his rock musician appearance just makes him seem like a chill cool guy so it improves the dialogue 100%?

Meanwhile I adore the Uchi personality and Deirdre has a very nice but not the most adorable design in the world, yet it fits her tough yet caring sisterly vibe so so much more than any overly cute normal or peppy would! So she’s absolutely perfect for that

Heck Scoot made me love the jock personality because he’s a tiny duck so I’m imagining a little sporty kid making up all sorts of nonsense about his muscles and it’s hilarious 😂

design + personality make the villager and not in the most obvious way, things are going to click differently for different people
I had Marina as my dreamie in the beginning and was my one villager that I invited via amiibo. I thought she'd be my forever girl. In the beginning I also got Megan from an island tour. I invited her only because she was new and I didn't want to go crazy with island hopping. I fell in love with the purple bear though. And even if she has a starter house, I don't think I'll be letting her go. Meanwhile, Marina has kind of bored me by now and I'll be letting her go soon. I loved her while she was in town, but I just didn't love her as much as I thought I would.
I got Marshal while island hopping and purely because I was running out of tickets and I fell in love with him. I maybe biased since his name means a lot to me personally but I don’t have the heart to get rid of the little guy anymore
Yes! Both Bones and Bluebear were not on my dream villager list and I ran across them on mystery islands and brought them home anyway. Bones especially is a favorite of mine. I would have never intentionally looked for him but he's great and I don't think I can ever let him leave!

I've also had things work in reverse where I've heard things about popular/dream villagers, brought them home, then found out I didn't really jive with them as much. I guess the moral of the story is to try new things- you never know who or what might work out!
audie and lucky were never my dreamies or something , i was originally planning to get a wolf or another bear

however , these two came in my island randomly and i was about to kick them and sell them , but eventually decided to have them stay around , and now they are my favorite villagers too
My current dreamie is Audie, and the only villagers I love more than her are Cookie and Lily (but they've always been favs). But I did end up liking Greta more than I thought I would after she moved in, and she's one of my favorite Snootys now! She's totally gonna be a permanent resident now.
this was how walker became one of my dreamies for me! he randomly moved into my nl town and i just fell in love.
the little pup is so precious i couldn't resist. he became a dreamie for me since then and he's on my nh island now as well!
another more recent random encounter i've had with a villager was teddy when i went mystery island hopping. i was on a search for my glasses cat, ramon but i came across teddy instead. impulsively invited him back to the island and he's been here ever since!
For me, it was Portia. She is just such a chill snooty. She always rocks this classy business skirt and I've built her up in my mind as this high powered executive who likes to kick her shoes off and enjoy island life at the end of the day.

This isn't a great pic of her because her back is turned, but she she has this spot on the riverwalk that she likes to chill in for a bit pretty much every day in the early afternoon. Obviously comes and de-stresses here after her late morning board meeting. :love:
Pietro I kept on seeing all these posts made about him before New Horizons saying he was creepy but I think he is cute. I like all his colours and it would look nice to have some colour on my island. I am going to try look for him cause I think him and Ed would get along very well
I don't really have dreamies anymore, IDK I just like to switch things up often in NH. BUT there have definitely been villagers I have come across in mystery islands that I did not expect to like - Biff, Drift, Sherb, Antonio... the list goes on. It really makes a difference actually seeing their 3D models in game.