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Animal Crossing Roommate Scenario


Jun 12, 2013
I previously tried this on Reddit, and decided why not try it here? :3

If you could be a roommate with any animal of your choice, who would you choose?

-It can even be any animal from any game.
-If you want to be creative, instead of simply saying the animal's name, and a brief why, you can describe an entire day of how you'd live together.
-Keep in mind their personality traits.
-If so, it can take place in your current town, an Animal Crossing town but more realistic (With more locations to hang out, like an Ice Cream parlour, or Pizza restaurant) or even the real world (That for some odd reason has anthropomorphic animals now...) Be free with your scenario :3
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In game, I'd room with Gladys in Celadon. She's sweet, and I imagine she would be a clean and helpful roommate. In Chrome, I'd probably go with Lolly, for similar reasons. The rooming would be in the mayors' houses, Lolly's taste in furniture is cruddy imo and Glady's house is a wreck in general thanks to me sending her a lot of stuff. ^^'

I already share a room with my sister irl, so I wouldn't need another roommate, nor would I want one. :p
Most likely Mira, with her random an quirky personality it would never get boring around the house and everyday would be an adventure, same with Shari in Area 0.
I would room with o hare, I think he would really liven the place up or Hamphrey, he seems to be at my house more than me sometimes
even though wolfgang is my fav itd be a lil weird rooming with him

but katt would be totally rad to hang out with wed like watch ****ty scary movies and eat popcorn except shed probably eat some form of cat food because shes a cat and wed???? idk what happens at sleepovers

sexy pillow fights

play with yarn

that ***** would probably steal some of my things jfc I always knew she was a thug
Can it be Isabelle

if so we'd hang out at my acnl house and eat ice cream
maybe hang out in the town park or main street ;w;
If your talking about in-game: It would be O'Hare, Fauna, and Bob. Bob would live in a finished off basement. O'Hare would live upstairs and Fauna downstairs right bedroom. I guess we would all get along to some point.

If you mean real life: No. Plus as much as I like O'Hare in the game he'd annoy the heck out of me IRL.
I'd have to pick Joey. He's too perfect. Or maybe Erik. It's a difficult decision between the two... I'm sure they'd get into my food though... that's probably the only downside to picking a lazy villager
Hehe, I just realized that almost all my villagers, who I love dearly, would be so irritating to live with! The smugs (Pietro, Marshal, and Julian) would drive me crazy in a week, the uchi (Fuchsia) and I would end up fighting, Stitches (lazy) and Merengue (normal) would get yelled at by me A LOT. I think it would mostly be my own issues though, things that annoy me IRL, so I love them anyway. <3

The only one I'd have a blast with, probably why she's also my favorite, is Carmen! I'm a bit of a depressive type, to put it mildly, and having her around would change my life! She's so peppy and happy and fun! She would pull me out of my funk, motivate me, and basically drag me around to different places. We'd go shopping, hang out at the beach, have a picnic in the park, ride roller coasters, play video games together...I just think she'd be an awesome girl IRL. We'd compliment each other, because she has what I lack, and I have what she lacks. SO we are a perfect BFF match. Aw, just thinking about this made me really happy. ^^