Pokémon Am I the only one freaked out by Pokemon Concierge?


🔮 Pokémon Master 🔮
Dec 13, 2014
Yellow Balloon
Pink Balloon
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Crystal Tree
So, Pokemon Concierge has hijacked my tumblr feed apparently, and tbh, it really freaks me out.

Sure, it's "cute" and everything, but the stop motion animation is honestly giving me Gumby flashbacks.

It's creepy and scary and I don't like seeing it everywhere.

What do you think??
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I'm not normally bothered by stop motion animation (and I don't really remember much about it, but I think I recall liking Gumby as a very small child? might feel differently if I saw it now though lol), but looking at some screenshots from Pokémon Concierge... yeah, there's something about the designs that fall very much into the uncanny valley for me. Some of her other expressions don't look as bad to me, but every picture I've seen of the redheaded girl smiling is the stuff of nightmares. Her wide, soulless eyes are not helping.
Gumby was a show of its time. The stop motion for it made more sense than it does for Pokemon Concierge. You aren't alone. I find the trailers offputting but I find the story and aspirations for it fine. I treat most Pokemon side projects as their own thing since there are way too many of them these days.
I don’t think it’s creepy, but since the movements are unnatural I can understand why some might be disturbed by it.
I'm not really a fan of stop motion animation now that we have much more fluid animated stuff as the norm. I think the Pokémon look... okay, but I dislike how the people look, they do feel a bit creepy. I want to give it a pass because a lot of Pokémon I adore have showed up in it, lol.
It’s sort of…unsettling…but in a way that I also can’t look away. Is the best way I can describe it.
I've never seen it, but knowing my siblings (who want to copy my interests as closely as possible), I'll see it eventually so I can get an opinion. But I have seen stop-motion before, and it looked good. What's making Concierge so different?
I fully agree lol. Stop motion claymation type style is so uncanny for me, hence why I haven't watched it. It's probably amazing but the art direction throws me off.
I'm honestly a connoisseur of stop motion animation, I love it; in particular Laika Studios and Aardman Animations, they're everyone's favorites when it comes to stop motion for good reason. I think the problem with Pokemon concierge is the designs of the people, and the main character in particular's proportions are off, her neck is way too long, she's very lanky in general, and her ears stick out too much.

The character's features are exaggerated while the textures are more realistic. In combination with the not so smooth animation they come across looking rigid and inhuman. Essentially, we have a lot of contrasting features here and it feels off.
That being said I did enjoy it! The Pokemon are really cute, and I'm a sucker for an island resort setting, the set design is top teir.
The actual Pokèmon of the show look super cute in my opinion but I agree that the humans look so creepy! They all look scarily skinny and their necks look too long. The facial expressions are okay for me, I think I'm more creeped out by their bodies. The movements of the stop motion don't bother me, I just accept it as a quirk of the style.