Giveaway 1ST PRIZE = I'll buy all of your dreamies!!! +10 get 1 dreamie ANNOUNCING WINNERS!!!!

That's horrible! In that case, Tangy reminds me of this;
lol cuz tangy is supposed to look like an orange 0.o and how is it horrible? :p
Mayor: Lynette
Town: MiraLuna
Dreamie: Poppy / Marshal / Rosie
Why you want them?: Poppy caught my eyes the first time i saw her. I have a younger sister who once saw her picture and she instantly fall in love with her. She keep asking me to have her in my town so she could talk to Poppy and play with her. I tried to look for her in many places but i cant seem to get her :/ So I hope I can get Poppy in my town so that my lil sister can use mine and lkay with Poppy.

Thank u so much for doing this!! ^^
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I am Niamh from Blueleaf! I would love Julian as he is a unicorn, he is so sparkly and majesticle, he has been in my campsite, but I was full :( and he is in my friends town, but my friend will never. Let him go, not even for the 5 million and hybrid price I gave her D:
Mayor: Sean
Town: Witburg
Dreamie: Sly
Why I want him: I had this pretty sly guy, Sly, but in a time travelling accident he moved. I only ever got 4 letter froms him, and so close to his picture. I have clothes, a greeting, name for me, and catchphrase ready. He's also my avatar.
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Town: Kanto
Name: Tabbles
Dreamies: Stitches, Julian, Zucker, Merengue/Marina, Nate and Annalise
Reasons for all under spoiler tag
Stitches: I was lurking for Stitches on a cycling thread, and I had lurked for about 48 hours straight. The next day, the cycler said that someone popular was in boxes but she wouldn't say who. It was either Fang or Stitches, and it happened to be the latter. I saw it the minute the cycler posted it, but someone else had already claimed him. I have a plan for what furniture he will be getting, what clothes he will be wearing, and what his catchphrase will be. He is also a bear cub, one of my favorite acnl animal types.
Julian: First off, he is a unicorn, my 2nd favorite animal! He is also really unique, like most of my dreamies. I have tried to get him in many auctions and giveaways, but I hardly have any creative talent besides writing. He is also a Smug, my 2nd favorite male villager type(after Lazy).
Zucker: I love the unique villagers(Julian, Merengue, Stitches, Ankha), and there are only three octopi in the game. I don't like Octavian, and Marina is also on my list. He is my favorite male villager type, and he is an octopus, which, once again, makes him unique.
Merengue/Marina: The reason I want one of these is because they are both unique, one being an octopus, the other being a shortcake rhino. However, I only want one Normal type. Merengue is awesome because she is made of shortcake and her horn is a strawberry(my favorite fruit)! Marina is cool because she is an octopus, and there are only three in the game. I had achieved the goal of getting Marina to move in from someone else's town, but I also convinced Ankha the same day. Ankha moved in, and Marina never did.
Nate: Nate was my best friend in Animal Crossing: City Folk. He was nice, always letting me buy stuff at the flea market and always giving me gifts. One day, he pinged me to move, and I tried to convince him to stay, but he refused. I was so sad, and I had only one villager left I loved, Tiffany, who I have achieved in New Leaf.
Annalise: I don't really have a reason for Annalise, besides the fact that I love her to death. I saw her in a friends town, and I fell in love. She is also a Snooty, my favorite female villager type! She has pink hair, and is just the most swagalicious horse I have ever seen.
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Mayor: Sidney
Town: Honolulu
Dreamie: Marshal
Why you want them?: I want marshal not only because he is cute, he has been my favorite be before I even got this game. And he's white! I have a wedding themed town and I think he would fit in perfectly. I hope I get him soon! Also thank you so much for doing a very kind giveaway! This is awesome! I would never have the patience to do this! :)
Aw this is so sweet! I wish you the best of luck with the last of your dreamies! :D

Mayor: Fuchsia
Town: Fantasy
Dreamie: Fuchsia
Why I want her: My best friend, who is now an angel, was called Fuchsia. I got Fuchsia the deer in my old down, but she left without warning. :( I know it's lame, but it'd just be nice to have a character named after her in my town. Besides, she would probably have had the uchi personality aswell if real life was like ACNL. :)
Thank you for this amazing chance! ;v;

Mayor: Mars
Town: Fearless
Dreamie: Stitches
Why you want them?: I've been looking for Stitches for a veery long time, I've joined giveaways and stuff, but I've never been able to get him since he's reeeally expensive.. But I fell in love with him the the moment I saw him on a tumblr post.. His cute plushie face, his colours, even his eyes are adorable. I won't win this giveaway either, probably, but.. I just, really wanted to try :3

Good luck, everybody! Hope you all will get your dreamies cvc
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Town: Minnie
Dreamie: Marshal

Why I need him: I've been lurking for him everywhere now and the reason why I like him so much is that cute little face of his. I love that unimpressed look he wears. My favourite emoticon to use looks like that too Haha. Plus that little tuft of blonde fringe is so cute on him, he's got such an attitude Lol.
Wow you're very generous for doing this! ;O; Good luck to everyone joining! C:
Mayor: Ki-yoon
Town: Infinity
Dreamie: Skye! Or Fauna~
Why you want them?: I really really need a normal in my town and ever since I've got the game I've always been looking at Skye. She's so adorable and lovely, it would really make me so happy if I got her! She will have a permanent home and I'll make sure to make her my best friend. It's sad that she goes for high the times I've seen her so I could never afford her. She's been one of my favourite dreamies and I've been looking forever for her ;M; Fauna is also really really cute, and she's been my second favourite normal dreamie. I really love normals and need some in my town for the PWP. I've never been able to find her without a crazy high price either. :C
Thank you for doing this give-away!
Ohh you are so generous ;w; Thank you so much for doing this!

Mayor: Nadja
Town: Javachip
Dreamie: Marshal
Why you want them?
He is just absolutely adorable with his pastel light colors and his squishy marshmallow face. I have wanted him from the moment I saw him.. but by now I have pretty much given up trying to buy him because he is so expensive. He is one of my last two dreamies, one for which I still have to cycle through a few villagers to get her back-- and I'd just love to have him in my village and see him talk to Tangy, or make coffee for him and see him wearing the little designs I made. He's just so cute ;;
This whole game has pretty much been a saving grace for me during the stressful last year, and he is a big part of completing my dream village to relax in after a busy day. uwu
Mayor Name: Michaela
Town: Clarence
Dreamie: Whitney
Why? Whitney has been in every one of my past towns (excluding GameCube lol). She has been in both my towns in Wild World, my town in City Folk, and I'd love to keep the tradition in New Leaf. She was always my best friend and my favourite in all my previous towns.
Mayor: Mikey
Town: Hyrule
Why I want him: Who dosent want living food in their town? But the main reason I want him is because i always loved him just by looking at him! He is so cute and the lazy personality fits him perfect! I've seen him up for auction and I won him but the person was really mean! They made me give them the 5 million bells but then they just ended the session :( after this I never really tried to get him anymore because I think that will happen again! I'm sure other people might like need him more than me but it's ok if you don't pick me :) By the way I think it's nice of you to do this!
This is so generous of you!!
Mayor: Sarah
Town: Kinoko
Dreamie: Stitches
Why you want them?: He's been one of my dreamies for a long long time and I kind of gave up pursuing him because every time I get close to having him it never works out :( Plus I really need a lazy in my town so he's perfect. He's super cute and I don't really want him because he's popular, I didn't even know he was until I signed up at TBT. If I had him my town would be just about perfect (for me) :)
Mayor: GoreGuin
Town: S'Sendas
Dreamie: Octavian
Why you want them?: I would like Octavian as a resident as I *love* octopus - they are such an unusual and incredible creature...
in the land of ACNL, they are so rare, and I have only ever seen one ONCE via the dream suit since joining the game in June last year!! Talk about elusive...
Why do I like Octavia out of the tree Octupus characters? Well, he looks so villainous and I imagine he'd be quite the trouble maker. Being a cranky type, he'd make a perfect best friend for my big, blue boy, Groucho.. ;)
Mayor: Hyuna
Town: Seoul
Dreamie: Tia
Why you want them?: Tia reminds me of my favorite song when i was a kid, she brings back a bunch of great memories of being a kid and dancing around in my living room, she's also really, really cute i'd to have her in Seoul and would take great care of her, I'd alsothink she'd be a great friend for Merengue . :)

this is a really kind thing you're doing btw . :)
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aaah gosh, I guess I`ll try my hand at this ; w ;

mayor : mac
town : dynamite ! ( bam bam pow ! )
dreamie : fang
reason : Fang, wow, fang. I’ve loved him since the first game,
he was actually one of my original villagers from the first animal
crossing ! I had to fight very hard to keep him in there, and I don’t
really want to open up my game just incase he’s moved away.

The one thing I’ve always loved about him is his androgynous
appearance. The shadows over his eyes look like makeup almost,
his light colours look gentle and soft, but of course, when you talk to
him, he has the rough, growling voice. I love that he is a character
that can look that way throughout the years with no problem.

Cranky villagers are also a lovely friend to make, they go from rough
and abrupt to welcoming and warm when you approach them more and
more often.
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Will check this again tomorrow - just to add that there is no official day/time yet for when this will end but I will post to confirm it when I think I'll have a chance to :3 Good luck everyone!