Is your town tree list of events in order?


Senior Member
Nov 7, 2016
My Melody Easter Egg
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Peach (Fruit)
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Tasty Cake
Mother's Day Carnation
Sakura Easter Egg
When you sit on the tree and the music starts playing and it shows when you started your town and when the shops opened and all that, does it make sense? Or do you time travel and it got messed up? Does it bother you at all? I like to keep my game on the current date but I have time traveled. Somehow this resulted in shops opening before I even started the town! Ugh it does bother me a little bit tbh. I wish I would have been more careful with that!
I'm sure when I finally get to sit under my tree, that the dates will be messed up. I'm ok with it cause I don't sit under the tree often.
Haha, I time travelled a lot at the beginning of this town, so I’m sure it’s out of order. I haven’t actually checked as far as memory serves.
It doesn't bother me at all. I normally don't sit under the tree since it makes me cry. I know, I know, I'm weird. But I get absolutely overwhelmed by emotion and cry from all the beautiful memories and thoughts of villagers who have come and gone. See? I am almost crying now!
dorian, that's sweet :) i get emotional about my town too. this may sound pathetic to some but for a while ACNL and especially my villagers were my only comfort.

anyway, yes, my town tree events are in order. i have TT'd but i calculated when events would happen and made sure to TT within those time frames. so if you were to sit on my tree you would never know that i time travelled :3 i TT'd to get villagers out and i have OCD so if my events were out of order it would bother me very much :eek:
I time traveled a LOT when I first started, before I joined the forums, so very much! It doesn't bother me too much.
The fact that my tree is huge, bothers me more.
a little, but not too bad to the point it's "march 2018.....september 2017" but i did abandon my town for around a year or two so it went from one event in 2015, to one in 2016, and then a bunch this year
Definitely not. I TT too much for that. Funnily enough though I don't like TTing.
I time travel so much my time tree is so messed up lmao. Like somehow Gracie's opened 2 days after Nook's mart lol... While I would like to fix it, it's not a big deal. No one sees the tree timeline except me and I rarely sit on my tree anyways.
I've TT but used that one where you only play and don't skip a day but all mine are in order
Except when I started the town March or April. I went back to March 1st, I wanted something that I missed the the first time :-D
The town history on all my towns is in order, I don't TT but I do freeze time to play every ingame day.
I don't think how you change time (within system settings or via Isabelle at front screen) will affect the history; my personal choice is to use system settings, has some disadvantages but it suits me.
This game seems to be very forgiving of TT, more so than previous ac games.
Yep, mine are all in order. I hate TT?ing, and I?ve only ever time traveled a few hours earlier either to trade a villager or buy something from the shops before it closes. But even still, I hate doing it. Completely ruins the immersion for me. The events being out of order would bother me endlessly as well.
I don't have that issue but I do sit on town trees(if I'm able to) in dream towns and have noticed it ^_^
I actually looked at my tree for the first photo challenge event and I can tell you now it was not pretty
I time travel, but I'm weirdly strategic about it. So everything is in order, but within, like, a week or two of each other.
Lol I'm glad I'm not the only one! It bothers me quite a bit too. If/when I ever reset the town I'll make sure I'm more careful with that!
Yes, fortunately. Even though I still TT, I've been careful enough to not mess up the order of events.
nope, luckily it's in order! whilst I do tt, probably the most extreme thing i do is skip forward a couple of days and then back, so I've managed to preserve my town tree so that it more or less makes sense c:

the only reason i really care about it being in order though is just so it's organised for dream visitors who are curious :)