Are you aware that you're dreaming?

i really hope i'm not dreaming because if i'm dreaming about sitting on a toilet then that explains a lot about my life
Wow, dreaming about school. How boring >:[

Although sometimes when I do dream I do realise I am dreaming but I don't have any control over my actions, it's more like watching a movie where I make questionable and dumb decisions that I hope I wouldn't do when I'm conscious. I've also had lucid dreams before but they're very rare and I don't remember the details much.
sometimes yes, I have weird moments in my dreams where I acknowledge that its not real and know its a dream, then I wake up and act like I'm Tris from the divergent series lmao
Not really? I mean I have some movie dreams, and 3rd person dreams but I almost never know it's a dream until I wake up. I don't lucid dream sadly.
If you mean lucid dreams yes then I have those otherwise I don't know what you are talking about?
I only lucid dream when I get sleep paralysis, and I only get sleep paralysis when I'm over tired. The dreams never end well. I usually wake up screaming.
sometimes. when i lucid dream i usually realise i can do anything i want and i get happy that i've broke free of being controlled of my actions but i usually wake up a few seconds later.
Sometimes I feel like I've been aware that I'm dreaming when I'm asleep, but I never remember it. :/
Yes, I have really crazy and vivid dreams that seem real but still have that fantastical element. There's only been a few times where I woke up thinking the dream was actually real because they just had conversations with people I knew.
Although sometimes when I do dream I do realise I am dreaming but I don't have any control over my actions, it's more like watching a movie where I make questionable and dumb decisions that I hope I wouldn't do when I'm conscious. I've also had lucid dreams before but they're very rare and I don't remember the details much.

basically this, but if it's a really bad dream, sometimes I can will myself to wake up
i have no idea that i'm dreaming at all, and all my dreams take place in real world scenarios. i only realise that the dreams weren't real when the outcome of the dream (one in particular was my female friend coming out and introducing me to their girlfriend) hasn't happened in real life, so i then realise that it was a dream. but in the moment? i haven't the foggiest idea whether what i'm experiencing is a dream or not.
Yes. And it's terrifying because when I become aware I'm dreaming it's like other "characters" suddenly know that I'm aware it's a dream. And that's when it takes a turn for the worst and waking myself up is so hard. Even worse when you have a "false wake-up" type scenario and when this occurs 4/5 times over it's horrible.
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Yes. And it's terrifying because when I become aware I'm dreaming it's like other "characters" suddenly know that I'm aware it's a dream. And that's when it takes a turn for the worst and waking myself up is so hard. Even worse when you have a "false wake-up" type scenario and when this occurs 4/5 times over it's horrible.

thanks for kinda explaining it.. but yeah that happens to me, especially if it's a nightmare you are aware of and you just want it to end it's the worst.
I would say most of the time, sometimes i get so caught up in my dream that I dont realize it though. For me it feels just like real life, I can control my actions and do even more than what i can do awake.

if its a really good dream; I had one recently where my house was full of kittens!! I would enter a room and find like 3 more kittens each time!! I was so sad when I woke up because 1. I wasn't at home, I was at school. and 2, no more kittens! T_T Or dreams where I'm shopping, I get so carried away picking and choosing what items Id like to buy and take home with me. Or super beautiful/scenic dreams, I find myself pulling out my phone and trying to take a picture in-dream... then I realize I'm just dreaming and it wont be on my phone when i wake up haha.

During really bad dreams, I can pretty much always control how Im running away or where I go,I can even teleport (it just take some mental strength because I need to imagine a place), but whatevers chasing me still finds me. it takes me a while to realize that I dont have to deal with these inescapable threats, and that I can just wake up instead of deal with it, and everything will be okay. I find it very strange though, if i can imagine place to teleport to, or if i can regularly control my own actions and fly, etc, why is it so hard just to make the monsters/villains poof and i still have to resort to waking up? it's like theyre literally too strong for me
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I've been doing that a lot. I don't really think its creepy or anything along those lines, I think its cool because I heard you can control the dream the first you hear the words that you're dreaming. However, I have sometimes been controlling my dreams when I didn't hear in my dream that I am dreaming.

Overall, its not bad, and I really like it, its pretty fun.
usually right before I'm going to wake up I realize I'm dreaming but can't control the circumstances of my dream. It's frustrating because I'm aware I should change things but I can't