Are you proud of your villager of honor badge? Or ashamed?

I think I deserve I diamond-studded platinum badge with the hours I spent on AC:NL. It was an achievement at one point, now it's just embarrassing, lol.
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I thought just for a minute about all the other more productive things I could have done with those 500 hours. Then I sipped my tea and went back to landscaping Noveon...
I had no idea until I got the badge! I'm on the spectrum, and my obsession with my towns is just one of my fixations, so yeah I knew I was playing it a lot, but...that badge did make me question myself. But only for a minute :cool:
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i restarted my town around a year ago so i only just got bronze level for play time, but my nintendo stats said my total playtime was ~960 hours... back in December ;_;
thats nine times my playtime on New Vegas...
As long as you're having fun and not doing yourself any harm (skipping class, work, etc), then who the heck cares? Enjoy yourself!!
I'm definitely not ashamed of my badge. I got mine a year or two ago, so I honestly must have way over 500 hours. But they were hours I enjoyed!
Very proud of my honor of playtime badges. My mayor received hers in the first year and the two extra players received theirs last year in my main town. I've received the badge on my mayor guest town and slowly working on the side players badges.

I don't think it's time wasted. I find it a good way to relax in the evening.
I was ok with it, but my husband was ashamed of me. Lol. It's really no different than the countless hours he's spent watching t.v. or on the computer.
I'm not ashamed of it. I'm spending my time doing something I enjoy, and it's not like I have anything else to do so why not? :p
Oh god so ashamed. Mainly because I've gotten it more than once...
I've spent almost 5,000 hours on acnl so I'm past the point of being ashamed. Idk who I am anymore.
I've gotten the badge in each of my towns and not even an inch of embarrassment lol. I play what I want to play.
I think I earned that badge in my old town, i'm not ashamed of it at all because I do enjoy the series so it's no wonder that i've played that many hours. I think if you like to be a very productive person, then maybe that's something that irks someone like that a bit because they could've done something more productive instead but for me, no. :)