Your very first video game system?


Jun 1, 2015
What was the video game system that (basically) introduced you to the world of gaming?

For me, it was either the original Sony Playstation or the SEGA Genesis. I don't exactly know for sure. : P
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I had the very first playstation platform. Fantastic thing!
My first game was a sheep herding game. Which was called Sheep Before moving on to Spyro & Crash Bandicoot! Have loved video games ever since. :)
Twas either the Sega Megadrive or the original Gameboy (the huge yellow brick).

Or Tiger electronics. Lets not forget about those awful, awful things that are sadly kinda still a game system.
Mine was the SEGA Genesis ahhh so many memories!
PS1 or Gameboy. Both were my Dad's.

The first console that was my own though was the Gameboy Color. Dad didn't like that I kept hogging his, haha. Then he ended up stealing mine because it was better and didn't let me have it back until he got a GBA.

Sega Genesis. I still have it and it still functions beautifully. :D

They just don't make 'em like they used to...
SNES and sort of N64? I just know that I played N64 more but when I'd get bored, I'd play some games on SNES.
Mine was the NES, proper shows my age that does! then SNES and then PS1 :) I probably played my PS2 more than any other console