Your opinions about Raymond

l don't care about him because l don't understand what all the excitement is about. He's overrated and nothing special. Kinda weird looking actually. But if l had a chance to move him in then l will for the money😎 He may have nice colors and has the right theme for my future island, but he will definitely not go on my favorite list.
As popular as he is, I simply do not care for him any more or less than any other villager who isn't in my favourites (and especially isn't a bear). I don't dislike him like I do some others (e.g. Barold, Chow, Chester, looking at you creepy bears), but it's not even that he was mad popular (and still is, to some extent). It's just that I don't vibe with him like I do my lovely bears. 🤷‍♀️
i honestly don’t really have much of an opinion on raymond; he’s definitely not one of my favourites but i don’t hate him, either! i think the addition of a smug cat is pretty cool and i love the fact that he has heterochromia (2 different eye colours). i appreciate his unique design but other than that, he doesn’t really appeal to me aha ^^
I actually adore Raymond but I completely respect the opinions of those who don’t. I’m one of those people who even went so far as to spend 400 NMT searching for him and when that failed, I paid someone the hefty price of 250 TBT just to get him. Cats are my absolute favourite villager species so when Raymond came out, I instantly fell in love with his design. I love his grey, black and blonde colour scheme, the fact that he has glasses (I also have glasses so glasses gang!), how he has a smug personality, and his heterochromia. The fact that he’s a corporate cat seems funny to me, so that just tops it all off.
Theres a lot of hate out there for Raymond which makes me sad. I love Raymond not because of the hype but because I genuinely think he's an awesome character. I mean I would challenge anybody not to love that cute little scrunched eye wave as you exit his house. Raymond has genuine charm and dapper style. I enjoy dressing him in suits mainly but he also often dons his fisher top which looks quite frankly adorable too. I enjoy cat villagers more generally and have had five on my island at any one time. Currently I'm static with Raymond, Kabuki and Tangy.

I personally think to each his own, there are certain personality types or animals that I dislike but I'm not going to actively slate anyone for an island full of them. So what if he's popular - so what if people pay real or virtual money for him is it hurting you? No - is it making them happy? Yes probably and everyone deserves a bit of happiness in their lives right now however virtual, however short lived.
I really liked him when they first showed the new villagers. I'm not overly impressed anymore. I think it's because he is so popular. Nothing against popular villahgers, but I think when I see and hear about them so much, I kind of get sick of them.
Didn't really like his get up. He reminds me of a mix between a stereotypical hipster and that fedora-tipping m'lady guy (though to each his own). Even if he looked different, I don't really want popular villagers in general. I don't like that feeling when I visit other people's islands and there's an 80% chance that I might also see them there. The Raymond in my island doesn't feel like my neighbor, he just feels like a hologram copy that I can't connect to.
I've been hoping that every time Isabelle announces a camper, it would be Raymond. I want him on my island to be able to interact with him firsthand. I'm on a journey of finding my permanent villagers, and I wanna see if Raymond will end up as part of it.
I personally can't wait until the next version of Animal Crossing comes out with 5 more villagers all with heterochromia to ride this hype. Otherwise, I don't really have an opinion either way. His personality is 100% the same as every other smug villager in the game, so I don't really understanding the fawning over his personality when there are 30+ other villagers who share his dialogue lines. His design isn't ugly, but I wouldn't say it's a design I care for much either.
When it comes to villagers, we all have our favorites, and we all have our least favorites. Personally, I don't find him interesting, and would pick Marshall over him (Smug-wise). If you like Raymond, that's cool.

What I really dislike is the hype that Raymond received in the beginning, and all the chaos he caused between fans, as-well-as the trading of him which led to some people selling him on eBay for 100s of dollars, or online for thousands of NMT.
Raymond is kind of odd it seemed like everyone loved him and now everyone hates him. I personally don't mind him design wise but I probably wouldn't want him as a villager I prefer Purrl and Stinky as cat villagers.
I haven't heard of his name for quite some time in this forum! :D Honestly, I neither like nor dislike him. In fact, I sold him immediately after getting him from my island hopping session.
Okay, first things first. I like Accountant Cat. I’m not one to trend hop (the villagers you noted haven’t really been on my radar), but Accountant Cat is my favorite cat, but not exactly for the reasons that most people like him.

Firstly, I was only interested in getting him because I have a sibling who has just started their career in accounting. If that weren’t the case, I’d probably be in your boat, being baffled (and amused) by how much people are putting emphasis on this one villager.

I managed to get him a couple months ago (by island hopping-I don’t trade villagers AT ALL). He was awesome to have, because he was so WEIRD. I know it’s all RNG, and all smugs have the chance for this dialogue, but he always seemed to give the most bizarre dialogues and give the weirdest of gifts: View attachment 337613View attachment 337614View attachment 337615I still have the “cat grass” he gave me as part of my lodge’s lobby.

I eventually moved him onto my parents’ island as Evwirt is a deer-only island, but his weirdness is still there.

So, that’s the reason why I like Accountant Cat. One major thing I WILL note is that I would NEVER buy anything for RLC on this game.

Hold up.....he's an Accountant?! As someone who's studying Accountancy, this changes EVERYTHING.
He’s into some part of business. I say he’s an accountant because that’s the area I’m most familiar with but I’ve heard others say he’s in other areas.

I love that theory. Honestly, I do love those types of theories about certain villagers. I have Eugene on my island and I like to imagine he's some kind of detective.
He exists. He doesn't fit my island or my taste in villagers. He looks like he's supposed to be a special NPC rather than a villager.
I like Raymond! I think he is cute, but I find most cat villagers adorable so he’s no exception. He is definitely not one of my favorite villagers but I don’t hate him either. I also would never pay real money for him though (or anything else game related for that matter). I can see why some people like him as much as they do though. If I do find him I’ll probably only keep him on my island long enough to get his framed photo and then trade him away, unless of course I develop some sort of attachment to him in that period of time.
I don't really have strong opinions about him either way, I can understand why he is popular because cats are one of the more popular species and he is pretty cute (the teeth are great and people love novelty things like the glasses and the two toned eyes) but I think it has been a bit overdone and I'm not a super huge fan of some of his die hard supporters or how expensive he's been made when buying/trading. it makes him more inaccessible to people who are genuinely wanting him as a dreamy just due to the price gouging and I do have a bit of an issue with spending real money on buying things for a game when I'm paying other users and not the company themselves (for things such as DLC etc.)

I've found him on a mystery island before and passed him up because he isn't one of the villagers I'm personally searching for, but I don't have anything against him and I personally don't like "hating" any villager, particularly if it's just due to the fact that someone is too "popular" :/ it feels too much like how I used to purposely hate on things that were mainstream just to prove I was "unique" when I was an angsty fifteen year old
i don't care for him, but of course its all right if folks like him. just don't go overboard lol. i think he's overrated like marshal was when new leaf came out. he too used to go for a lot of bells back in the day and still does sometimes. i get that raymond's unique cause of the heterochromia thing, but still...