Your newbie mistakes when you started ACNL

Definitely did the whole selling the 1st perfect fruit thing, but at the same time I never sell any of my fruit I find it too much of a hassle to shake all the trees and pick them up and stack so it isn't exactly that bad anyway...
Another thing I did (and still do) is let my friends pick a random name for my towns :/ lol
Also I would recklessly time travel and wonder why my villagers kept disappearing
I actually didn't know that you could buy plants from the gardening store, i always thought it was decor for the shop! I've been playing AC since January and only found out a few days ago when i was watching a lets play XD
I've been playing for years and only just found out through this thread that sloppy and cardboard sets are unorderable/have value.
My very first town.. I have no idea what I did with my only perfect fruit.. Probably ate it or sold it xD and put campsite and police station in a horrible, horrible spot.. Had villagers move by the bridge so had to kick him out later to replace a bridge.. @_@ no plot resetting.. I didn't know that online forums existed back then xD
Placing my campsite on the south part of my town and placing my Reset Center in the middle of nowhere.
Owh, this is a topic I started! (O_O) Long time ago.

But it's nice to read this! Keep it up guys!

I also didn't know about plot resetting until I came across this forum XD Now I do wonder whether it made my ACNL life better or worse, hahaa.
Placing some of the permanent PWP in places that now don't work so well. Mainly the reset centre in an out of the way corner, I keep forgetting to check if its open, after a rainy day.
Picking the wrong Police Station in one town - a woody Zen town & I picked the modern! Brain on holiday.
Have surrounded it with bamboo, its still annoying but not willing to reset as gone too far into game.
Placing two alt houses either side of my main bridge (between dock & R_Tail) - that at least is mendable if I take out the near completed alt houses. Still debating that one. (I want to change the bridge style).
Not all mistakes in the same town, RL isn't perfect, sadly neither are my make believe towns!
Placing the mayor's house close to a rock. It has restricted what I can put around my house. I also used to sell any perfect peaches I could find, and in my first couple of weeks playing, I TTed to get some things quicker.
I made a ton of mistakes in my first town.

I ate the perfect fruit you get at the beginning of the game.

I didn't know about plot resetting.

I didn't know about hybrids.

I didn't put paths down until really late, like, after a year of playing.

I placed random PWP's everywhere.

I put my house in front of the town hall.

I didn't know about map resetting.

I didn't know about choosing a face (the one I got wasn't bad though)

I didn't know about choosing hair.

I never did any real landscaping, just randomly placed trees and flowers and bushes.

All I cared about was impressing the HHA, so I crowded my Ouse with gyroids until there was hardly any room to go from room to room.

Overall I'm so glad I got a second copy and deleted that town.

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I didn't know about time travel either.
a lot of stuff... i did research but i still made mistakes. dudnt think much about placement of some stuff or sbout the map. i love the area my house is in tho ;; that's a mistake i didn't make at least!!
I sold some un-orderable stuff at Re-Tail, like a sloppy dresser Elmer handed to me...
It's been so long that I can't even remember my mistakes. I sold the perfect orange, didn't know you could catch beetles or take the fruit from the island, didn't know you could town/plot reset, wouldn't let any of my villagers move out of the town because...I thought we were family (LOL), and planted trees and flowers wherever the wind told me to.

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^What ACanelleNL said...selling unorderables T-T
When I first started acnl, I didn't know how rare the sloppy set was. So, I got a sloppy dresser from the lost & found and then sold it to Reese. Oops!
Not planning my town and placing permanent PWPs in random places. I'm still trying to fix that mistake.

Also yes selling unorderables. I didn't even know I would need them. I just got them. Didn't like them. And sold them.
I placed pwps at random and put my house in a stupid spot. Also I got some non native fruit and bamboo shoots from my villagers in the beginning of the game and then I sold them.