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Your newbie mistakes when you started ACNL

I ate my perfect fruit.
Put the campsite infront of town hall.
Police station was awkwardly placed.
My paths were so off omg.
Two months of playing, and my newbie mistakes:

1) I took the perfect fruit mistake to the next level and sold another which grew a month later as well as my first.
2) Had major creativity fail and named my town after myself. My name is Rose, so I am now obliged to fill the Rosetown with roses, which I hate.
3) Confused the Island with Club Tortimer and took ages to go as I was under the impression it required Wi-Fi internet, which I do not have.
4) Merry asked me to catch her a Coelancanth and I caught one on the second attempt. This gave me the wrong impression on how easy it was to catch those fish, and I have not yet caught one for the museum. A couple of weeks ago I spent from 10 to 2 trying to catch another, but as I ended up paying off my current home loan I wasn't too unhappy when I found the truth.
5) One day I heard a strange noise. Reese was selling mole crickets at premium prices, so I looked online and discovered mole crickets were underground. After a week of unsuccessfully digging holes everywhere and wondering why I was so bad, I decided on a whim to visit the museum as I like seeing how my efforts to fill it have gone. Whilst checking out the fish section, I heard that noise. This entire time I thought frogs croaking were mole crickets. No wonder I was having trouble.
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Two months of playing, and my newbie mistakes:

1) I took the perfect fruit mistake to the next level and sold another which grew a month later as well as my first.
2) Had major creativity fail and named my town after myself. My name is Rose, so I am now obliged to fill the Rosetown with roses, which I hate.
3) Confused the Island with Club Tortimer and took ages to go as I was under the impression it required Wi-Fi internet, which I do not have.
4) Merry asked me to catch her a Coelancanth and I caught one on the second attempt. This gave me the wrong impression on how easy it was to catch those fish, and I have not yet caught one for the museum. A couple of weeks ago I spent from 10 to 2 trying to catch another, but as I ended up paying off my current home loan I wasn't too unhappy when I found the truth.
5) One day I heard a strange noise. Reese was selling mole crickets at premium prices, so I looked online and discovered mole crickets were underground. After a week of unsuccessfully digging holes everywhere and wondering why I was so bad, I decided on a whim to visit the museum as I like seeing how my efforts to fill it have gone. Whilst checking out the fish section, I heard that noise. This entire time I thought frogs croaking were mole crickets. No wonder I was having trouble.

I <3 this entire post, omg.
I tend to do this in every AC game, but, I would get so excited to play the game that I would choose the first option for everything, and the first map, and then would later hate my map/face but not restart because I put too much work into my town.
I thought eating fruit was important for some reason, so I ate every. single. fruit. I found, even my perfect one, it took me a while to pay off my initial loan because I did it on solely seashells .-.
Eating my first perfect fruit. I thought they would grow back fast since I already have one in my town. Didn't know the game was meant to have one at the start. Took me ages to get another one. :/
Well, when I got the shaved ice lamp, I didn't know it was rare and unorderable, so I sold it. But when I played the gamecube animal crossing for the first time, I didn't know what those leafs were for (Yeah I know its kinda stupid lol) And I was so surprised when it turned into a piece of furniture in my house XD

Edit: Also, awhile after playing acnl. I put the resetti surveillance thing in such an awful spot and thought it wouldn't be seen that much since there was a tree kind of it front of it, but now the tree is gone and Olivia lives a few spots ahead of it and the resetti surveillance is now in the middle of my path to my retail. (I didn't have a path when I bought the resetti surveillance though)
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I wasn't too particular about where I put my coffee shop, and would up telling myself I wouldn't mind if it was slightly uneven in comparison to Re-Tail because at least I wouldn't have to worry about my pears. Now I really hate that it's uneven, and I can't move it. I've also completely destroyed my pear orchard because I hated how they were organized.

I'm also not very fond of where Jade's house is (though 've been try to make it more appealing by sticking Dizzy right next to her), I mostly put it where it was because my datefriend's disgusting friend had a house there, and I was told I could delete his character and replace it with whomever I wanted. So I placed it right on top of his house out of spite. I regret not putting it closer towards the cliffside, or at least further away from Charlise's house and accompanying annoying rock.

I let Freya move, mostly because I wanted new villagers to interact with. She was one of my favorite villagers, and now I'll have to wait forever for even a chance to get her back. I didn't expect her to be so popular, either, so it's not like I can pay to get her back without selling my soul.
Uh. Probably the fact that I put the cafe, Resetti, and police station in stupid places. I've played City Folk and Wild World before, and I'd seen lots of information and new features about Newleaf before I got it, so I didn't make any mistakes with perfect fruit, thank goodness. I prolly should've checked for other maps before going with the first one, but I really like my map anyway. Also chose my mayor's face based on what I'd want to say even though I didn't know what the result would be. I like my mayor's face.

Once Wolfgang asked for an arowana, and when I caught one, I ignored my usual thought process of "Take this sucker to the museum!" and gave it to him out of kindness. Too bad it was at the end of summer, and I've yet to wait for summer to start again so I can catch another. I'll have to wait even later so I can catch the salmon I missed out on.

Oh, and I temporarily stopped playing around February/March, which was a time I didn't know that the Festivale was in. So now I have no idea when it is, and I also don't want to TT back to whatever day it is because I'll have to clean up when I go back to the current date.
I sold a rose sofa that Margie randomly gave me :( Now I'm collecting the weeding day set and I am ssoo annoyed!
I think the only mistake I've made when I started was always selling fossils to Re-tail.
ACWW: Didn't pull weeds or water flowers. It got to the point where I had a rafflesia even though I played near daily.
ACNL: Sold my only perfect cherry (thankfully another one spawned about a week later) and put my campsite next to a spot where I wanted to build a bridge.
1. I didn't know you could select your map
2. I started an expensive (to my standards) PWP when I was still in a tent
3. I time traveled to halloween and lost the first ACNL dress I ever bought. It took me hours to get it.
Putting the Reset Center in front of my orchard aka in the middle of an empty area instead of an isolated place.
I didn't know you could reset for layouts, I didn't know there were the different faces, and I placed permanent PWPs in stupid places.
I should have placed my house, cafe, and police station somewhere else.... or gotten a better town layout.
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