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Your Least Favorite Thing About Your Favorite Genres


Cosmog Enthusiast
Yoshi's Islanders
May 11, 2020
November Birthstone (Topaz)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
As we play more and more games many naturally start to play more in a specific genre. Even genres we love have their bad tropes or traits. What are those for you?

My favorite genre, JRPGs, have their fair share of issues. Many lack sufficient saving opportunities and require grinding to realistically progress.

Platformers have their issues too. So many of them have an unnecessary amount of collectibles that feel like padding.

Rhythm games on the other hand often have levels that feel like they go on for an eternity and stuff extra notes right when you think the song is over. Don’t even get me started on rhythm games where you have to get a full combo just to get a decent score.
Yeah, I agree that JRPGs and RPGs require too much grinding sometimes. And they're almost always tediously long. Those would be my two main gripes with them, though I know other people have other problems with them.

Adventure-like games are fun, but I feel like sometimes there's too much to explore and it can feel overwhelming to new players.

Life sims like Animal Crossing and others are great, but I feel most of them lack the challenge that other genres can easily provide... and so they get overlooked from this aspect alone.
I love JRPGs, but one definite gripe I have with (typically older ones; overworld encounters seem more commonplace now) is sometimes they'll set the random encounter rate for monsters wayyyy too high. orz It can be used well to give a sense of if a place is mostly peaceful or packed with monsters, but oh man, I hate when I spend ten minutes trying to get through one room solely because I can't take three steps without getting in another battle. It's so easy to cross the line from immersive and intense over to tedious and disorienting.
And while I'm the type of person who finds some amount of grinding to be fun/relaxing, I agree that it can definitely get a bit excessive in some cases.
Random encounters in jrpgs. In something like Pokemon, it really stands out in a yucky way after having played Let's Go Eevee where you can see your opponents. I very much prefer that.

I love platformers but I hate how short a lot of them are. I want to explore more! Also I hate desert stages. They're usually boring and difficult.
I love platformers but I hate how short a lot of them are. I want to explore more! Also I hate desert stages. They're usually boring and difficult.
Yeah that angry sun-stage is Super Mario Bros. gets me all the time unless I use the P-wing item. And yeah the typical quicksand-"trope" thing lol.

Also yeah that excessive amount of battles in jrpg's like chill and let me thru the room lol.

Also I dunno on how many of played Civ V, but once you go harder than difficulty 3-4 it's way too steep of a curve. I love that games but that and some achievements are just impossible with rng lol.
I'll add onto the list for JRPGs and RPGs. I love them, but I hate when characters leave the party without any warning. This is even worse if it was a character that had the best gear and you don't get a chance to retrieve it before they just disappear. Maybe they return later, maybe not.

Another thing I hate is ridiculously long cut scenes without save points.

For MMORPGs, it's usually the forced grouping that I dislike. If I could solo everything, MMORPGs would literally be my favorite genre. I actually like seeing other people running around and maybe interacting with them, but I like it to be on my terms. I don't like it when I have to complete a dungeon to progress any further in the story and said dungeon requires a party.
Liking different rhythm games requires you to build a variety of muscle memory. I’m used to rhythm games that have the lanes lined up parallel, but I suck at the semi-circle layouts. Also I’m used to notes that go downwards, so for any rhythm games where the notes float upward (e.g. FNF) or move from left to right (e.g. Project Diva), I find them difficult. 😭
my favorites r rpg games that are story driven and unconventional, and i guess my least favorite thing about them is since most of them are indie some of them are just? too fast and don't give me enough time to get attached to the characters? some of them have the problem of "god i hate the fighting system" but then some of them make the fighting system really unique so thats not much of a problem? the only rpg game i can think of that has neither of these problems for me is undertale
For any MMO I've played, and really it does apply to open-world RPGs like Skyrim, Fallout, etc:

"Raising difficulty means making enemies bullet sponges".

That's not a fun challenge that's just annoying
I enjoy playing sports games. Most of the games I play are in that genre. I dislike the extremely competitive nature and how rude some of the players can be online. Sometimes I just want a fun game, but I realize that’s impossible for sports games. I tend to just play offline where I can have some fun and not worry about the competitiveness getting to peoples’ heads.
The A.I. can randomly jump up in difficulty in puzzle games. Take Puyo POP Fever's Harahara course A.I. on Normal as an example:
Onion pixy? He isn't too much trouble, just set up a ton of large chains in Fever and you'll win. Klug? He's slightly harder, but is more of the same. Ocean Prince? He's only stage 3, yes, 3, and his A.I. is STRONG. His highest chain can be 5 or higher, and in fever he can insta-kill if you aren't prepared. Tarutaru and Yu are a slight break (Yu is more annoying than anything with her CONSTANTLY saying 'Indeed!', but her Ghostbusters reference with one of her spells being 'Who you gonna call?' makes up for it), and Hohow bird is a taste of what Accord is capable of. Accord's battle theme and VA lulls you into a false sense of security, and her A.I. does so too, by being pacifistic when the match begins, but then swaps into full on ATTACK mode where she slams you with 6-chains until you die, and Popoi is more of the same. But Carbuncle, hoo boy, he is TERRIFYING, even on VERY EASY MODE. To fight him on Very Easy, I usually just get up to Mr. Bird, fail 7 times on purpose, win, beat Accord, and boom! I'm fighting Carby, and he is BRUTAL, even more so than Accord and Popoi. Carby's chains can go up to 7 outside of Fever, whilst yours (if you're like me and are a PPF noob) max out at 3, or 4 if you are lucky. And if he gets to Fever, you are DEAD. Consider yourself lucky if you even beat him on any difficulty, ESPECIALLY Very Hard mode, which I'm not even gonna try to reach him on...