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Your HORRIBLE christmas


Mar 30, 2015
Awww! Christmas! That beautiful part of the year where the happiness and the raisins sales start getting around!
But lets get honest here...not every christmas is full of joy and happiness...of course it exists those sh!tty holidays.
Those holidays that when you remember them it makes you cringe/feel bad when you remember them.
What we're your worst christmas?
Mine was 2:
2010 and 2014
In 2010 i was dressed...pretty ridiculous but anyways the thing that makes me cringe here is the fact it thought i wasn't going to get what i wanted annnddd...i started crying....infront of my whole family god why!?
But the WORST one was the 2014 holidays...
In the christmas eve first it was raining....like in all my life it hasn't rained in christmas but last year...and to get that atmosphere better we stood in complete silence and we barely sayed something...
I only liked the part of the gifts tbh...
And then we have New year eve...My mom just maked me and my sister feel like we we're completely ****t!y saying that we never do anything and she was going to kick us out of the house...(no she wasn't drunk) she even made my sister cry because of what she said.
Congratulations mom!
Now post your sh!tty holidays!
My christmas holidays and celebrations are always quiet, usually have to shovel snow on my own and there's barely any christmas party I go to sometimes. There was this one time where it was a cranky party that my parents hosted and it was very agitating since lots of family and friends were there and they just talked about the bad things and not a very happy atmosphere.. but even then, I still like christmas though despite these negative factors in my life, the snow at night are pretty and like the peaceful streets the slience os great <3
Only one; 2008. I was a wee four year old...and I had food poisoning from a restaurant we went to on xmas eve. I felt so bad I didn't open any presents, and we delayed everything until Boxing Day.
My worst Christmas was a few years ago where I had to work. Also had a break-up right before then so that time was especially glum.

Someone else made up for it big time though last year!
The ones where I have to work and I don't get to spend it with my family... usually we do our "Christmas" like opening presents and stuff Christmas Eve and then when we were little we got our stockings and Santa presents Christmas morning. But the past few years I've been working so it isn't much fun, last year I think I got the night off Christmas Eve so we actually got to open our presents together, but usually they'll just set my stuff aside to open whenever we all have a minute, and then it just feels like a 2nd birthday cause it's just them watching me open my presents...
Worst Christmas? I'd have to give that award to the Christmas of 2003 (the year my great-grandmother died) and then of 2014 (I had to have my bunny euthanized, and what's worse is that my boyfriend was out of town for work so I had to go back with her and spend the next week BY MYSELF). And...yeah, those were definitely the years when I wasn't really feeling the "Christmas spirit".
Honestly, I can't remember any bad Christmases. I had a terrible birthday this year, though, so I'll just tell that story instead. I told my family months leading up to my birthday that I didn't want a party. My family is so disfunctional that every year it's a disaster, so I hate celebrating my birthday. Anyways, they ignored my wishes of course and forced me to get up at the crack of dawn so I could run to town with them while they did errands. My dad then decided he wanted to see a movie, but I didn't want to go. There were no good movies out during this time, so it would have just been a waste. So we decided to go to the store instead. While sitting in the car, my grandpa and mom just start screaming at me and telling me how terrible I am, and all this other stuff. Then my dad comes back and starts doing the same. My dad then decides he needs to go visit a friend who lives nearly an hour away, so we had to run all the way there. By the time we got there it was 3 in the afternoon and my dad was taking forever. I just wanted to go home at this point. My dad ended up taking so long he just came out and started screaming at his to leave him there, so we did. So finally when we get home it's around 4. I was so upset and tired, that I just went in the bathroom and cried and then I got screamed at for crying. Terrible birthday.
The ones where I have to work and I don't get to spend it with my family... usually we do our "Christmas" like opening presents and stuff Christmas Eve and then when we were little we got our stockings and Santa presents Christmas morning. But the past few years I've been working so it isn't much fun, last year I think I got the night off Christmas Eve so we actually got to open our presents together, but usually they'll just set my stuff aside to open whenever we all have a minute, and then it just feels like a 2nd birthday cause it's just them watching me open my presents...

Same! I'm lucky and only had to work over Christmas once, but I lived a long way from my family because I was away at university, so I didn't see them at all. I wasn't entirely by myself because one of my friends lived locally and I spent the day with his family, who were all really kind, but it wasn't the same.

Also two years ago, my sister got norovirus on Christmas Eve and then my dad and I got it on Boxing Day; norovirus is horrendous and I wouldn't wish on anyone.
Two years ago. I have hormonal issues (PMDD), and depression and anxiety. Christmas was held at my house, and there were way too many people. Grandma, aunt and her husband and her two kids, my family, my stepdad's family.... It was way too crowded. When my PMDD is acting up, I literally have no control over my emotions and how I express them. I was overwhelmed by all the noise and how long people stayed after dinner. I ended up freaking out, curling up in a ball on the couch and crying. Panic attacks are fun. Especially when they happen in front of everyone in your entire extended family.
One year we had our grandpa with dementia staying over our house for a month and it was just an awful experience. We finally got him to live in the senior care home just before Christmas, but everyone was in such a sour mood from his stay nobody was happy during Christmas. What sucks is he was only supposed to stay a week.
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I've always liked to say the Christmas of 2007 in the past. Late 2007 was when my life turned upside down, when my childhood officially ended. That Christmas time I only ever remember as being dreary. On top of that, my childhood dog passed away in early December, and then my grandpa had a heart attack, which led to the discovery that he had bad cancer, which would take his life in three years.

There was one really good aspect that came out of it, my aunt and uncle gifted us a bulldog puppy, who would become the most amazing dog ever, and one aspect that would keep me going. Sadly, he passed away this summer, and... it really makes me look back at the Christmas of 07 in a different light. That dog was simply amazing, and when he passed away I literally wanted to crawl into a ball and just die. I couldn't even breathe.
I think it must have been Christmas in 2007, I was really ill in the few weeks before the Christmas holidays, to the point where I could barely talk my throat hurt so much, I just felt awful. I felt better my Christmas day but I wasn't 100% and I didn't eat much... And the food is like one of the best parts about the day!

Or it would be the countless arguments my dad caused... That happened most years tbh. But not anymore. x3
I hate them. Usually my fam goes through some domino effect of depression around the holidays (revolving mainly about money issues and debts etc. just ****ty stuff always looming over us despite the holidays). We spend the majority of our time together arguing or depressed and even through all that I'm always sad to leave them. Also a few days ago our family dog died (she was 15 so she lived a long life) so it wont be the same when I return ;_____; I don't even know how to process this right now.
I would have to say Christmas in 2011... My Wii broke two months earlier, so I hoped that I would get another. But I didn't. Instead I got a TV which, to this day, STILL hasn't been set up in my room. What's worse is that I got a Wii game that day, too, and I couldn't play it because my Wii was broken. Also, my brother had chickenpox on Christmas Eve, which of course spread to the rest of the family including me.
I always work on holidays, including Christmas :( I used to enjoy Christmastime with families, festive, and presents, and bam! no Christmas for me in the past years up until now. At first it felt horrible as heck since I gotta work where everybody else's having fun, but now it feel just normal. I might request a special day off for this year's Christmas tho :')
My worst Christmas was when i got a tablet but it was faulty lol
All of my holidays are ****ty because the only family who gives a **** are my parents. It's just me and them, so we usually make up for it by obsessing over the gifts and foods. Same goes for all other holidays around the year, we just spend all our time in the kitchen arguing over which recipe to use or who cheated on this or that game.
my worst christmas is probably a joke to others but

it was like this. Idk which year it was again but just a few hours before the official christmas family celebrating started, I was browsing through the Internet and discovered that I can read manga online in English with chapters which are not released in my country yet. Around that time I was totally into Kaichou wa Maid-sama and I started to read the chapters I didn't know.
My god.
I couldn't stop reading. It was so cute and stuff, you know, shoujo stuff. Between Usui and Misaki UFHJFJHDFGBFG
But then I had to go eat and do that celebrating stuff. All the time I'd remember the things I just read and saw and I had to try desperately not to smile like an idiot. And I wanted to read the further chapters to badly, I just wanted to get rid of that Christmas thing AND READ god damn! xD

and there was a christmas when my mother would cook like usual. She would make the usual meal with the usual sauce. But what I didn't know, that was that my father meddled in. I took a big portion and tried like usual. IT WAS THE WORST THING EVER. God it was absolutely awful. But my father would get mad if I would just throw the big portion I took away or if I would complain on such a day. I had to force myself to eat up as much as I can.
It was a terrible day on my side.