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What's the creepiest thing that's ever happened to you?

A lot of creepy things happened to me actually.

1. I was 14-15 yo and alone at home, it was not that late but because it was winter it was dark outside. I went to my mom's room to get something, maybe the phone, I forgot, and there was a man standing on the other side of the window trying to look inside, I got scared and hid in a corner where he couldn't see me, the lights were not on, so I doubt he saw anything. Then, I got more courageous and I looked again to see if he was still there; he was tiptoeing (no kidding) toward the neighbors's house where there were two others teenager girls, so I called them right away and asked them to lock the door and close the curtains. Then he disappeared. Only me saw him, nobody believed me.

2. Same age, home alone again, party party in the house. One of my guests is extremely annoying, he put the vacuum cleaner in the potato chip bag, spilled his drink all over the floor, touched my parents' stuff, etc.. then started playing with a tarot deck with his dirty hands and was constantly asking "Hey! Hey! what does it mean? You are a witch, you should know" (Kids called me a witch or an alien since elementary school because I was weird) So I got really fed up and said "It means that if you don't stop messing with everything you will get hit by a car when you get out" He laughed, called me crazy witch, messed a bit more and decided to go home to get something and...got hit by a car in front of my house! :eek: Fortunately, he didn't get seriously injured, but still needed stitches. After that he behave in front of me, and I watched my mouth not to say something like that again.

3. I was riding my bike in the woods and it was getting dark, I had my lights on and some music, it was cool, then suddenly something grabbed my backpack, something heavy, I thought it was some branches that had fallen but when I looked into the mirror I saw nothing, I didn't want to stop to investigate because they are BEARS in that area and someone already got killed by one in that same area (a long time ago though) so I just rode faster, always looking in the mirror, a little while later I saw some animal in the middle of the road eating something, I didn't know what it was, all black with a small head, it didn't look like a cub or porcupine, it looked more like a wolverine but those don't live in that area, I couldn't stay in the woods forever, there are coyotes too! So I had to ride close to it ....yikes!...Luckily it was too busy with his food to notice me, I passed quietly next to it and then rode the fastest I could. When I finally got out of the woods but still far away from home, the music I was listening became distorted and stopped for no reason. It was a strange night.

I have other creepy stories but I will stop here for now.
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Just now, my computer redirected me to a sketchy website. Why, computer?
That computer needs a clean up
I'm a fan of the Five Nights at Freddy's game series.

And I started to get involved in this quite early (from 8-9 years old) And I was very scared and interested too! (childish curiosity)

So, one day I slept peacefully in my bed and usually woke up at night to drink water. (I had a bunk bed and slept on the second floor) I was sleepily getting out of bed, when suddenly I saw a strange shadow. It’s true, I swear, it was the shadow of a huge rabbit with long ears. I cried under the covers for a very long time and eventually fell asleep. I think my childhood imagination decided to play a joke on me. But it was very scary...

By the way, I recently started reading Fazbear Frights (the official books for this series of games) and the first story there was almost identical to my situation (╥﹏╥)
Not the most creepiest but the most recent. A few days ago my three-year-old nephew was playing, messing around and babbling when very suddenly he paused, faced in the direction of my dad's shrine (he passed away in 2020), looked up as if he was looking at an adult and started waving at the air. It was definitely a lot more creepier seeing it in real life than how I'm describing it.
staying at my besties house, it was like 2 am, and his Wii u turned on randomly, without our intervention, which caused the dog to freak out and start whining/squealing from the noise and it sounded like a child crying. actually scary LOL.
I'm never going to forget this thing that happened when I was at my family cottage. It had a back logging road that all cottages connected to. At the time, no cars could really fit, mainly ATVs or walking on foot only. We were told to not go back there alone because my parents didn't want us getting lost.

Well, I went back there cause I wanted to see (I was probably a preteen or so at the time) and took this one path that connected to the main one that had a maple leaf shaped sign that read "Duck Out." I walked along the trail which felt like it took forever. Just focusing on the crunching leaves under my feet. Then I randomly came across a clearing on the left of the trail by the water (the trail still could continue if you wanted). There was nothing there but green grass and those old style gazebos where they'd play live music in the olden days. There was a man standing there wearing an old fashioned suit and a top hat. I stopped and stared, finding the view really cool. I went onto their property a bit to get a closer look when he turned to stare at me. I froze, but he didn't move or say anything to me. I got scared he was going to yell at me for trespassing so I ran back down the trail where I came and didn't stop til I got back home. I pretended nothing happened and continued on my day.

Two weeks later, I finally gathered the courage to tell my younger siblings because I wanted them to see the creepy man. So we went LOL and I lead them down the Duck Out trail. We walked for a while, all chatting it up until the same clearing appeared. We snuck over but instead of the gazebo, there was a cottage there, fully built. I got confused, thinking we stopped at the wrong property but the opening to the clearing was the same as the one from before. These cottages are very northern so it's not like properties were cookie cutter. Each yard was different from others due to the natural land so this was for sure the spot. We even walked a bit further up the trail to make sure.

Even to this day, I still hadn't seen that gazebo but there was no way they built a cottage in two weeks. If they did, major kudos lol. So yeah, no idea what happened but without a doubt it was the same path, same yard. Wild stuff. I like to believe I somehow time travelled which would explain the man's outfit but I know it sounds far fetched lol.
I can't really say I've had any creepy experiences if you mean supernatural or paranormal or anything of the such. I did have a dream as a kid where I was being chased in this weird maze/labyrinth by some odd ghostly apparition. It could phase through walls so it made escaping impossible. Eventually it just popped out of a wall I was heading towards and stabbed me. I woke up and felt the pain like someone had stabbed me. It really hurt. It's weird how your brain can do that by just imagining it.
I would say, any time I’ve woken up in a half-asleep state and felt someone pressing on my chest. It hasn’t happened anymore, but it happened a few times (I think due to stress). I felt a woman hold my shoulders down and scream NO in my face, then saw her run down the hall. I’ve felt it and then heard screams outside my window or down the hall. Or growling noises. I also hated feeling my bed shake under me.

When I was around 12 or 13, I woke up very early (maybe half-asleep) and saw a man standing at the foot of my bed. He was pale and transparent, tall and thin with dark eyes, white hair, a prominent nose, and a mustache. He started talking to me, that he could tell me a story about a man who saw “strange things in his eyes” (this part I remember vividly), and then faded as I heard a loud buzz in one ear. Whether that was a hallucination or not, I can’t say, but it’s still creepy.
I can think of a few. Back when I was about 12, maybe a bit older, but not much - my neighbour had one of those greenhouses that are like dome shaped and made of plastic sheeting, if you know the sort I mean and I had to walk past it on my way to school every day and then again on the way back from school, it would often be dark when I walked back from school and i remember going past this green house and i think one of the plastic sheets had got loose because it was flapping a lot in the wind (it was very windy) it made a rattling sound that made me think someone was chasing me on a bike that had a playing card stuck between the spokes. Anyway, long story short, when I got home there was a vampire in my bathroom.