• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.

What would you like to see have a comeback in New Horizons?

I miss going to the Club to hear DJ K.K. at night. That's probably the number 1 feature I want to return right now.
I think at least Dr. Shrunk is coming to the game, as I've seen Megan and I think Alfonso mentioning him in the last two weeks. I've never seen any villager mentioning Shrunk before that, and it may be a sign that he's coming.
I think minigames are a big one for me. It's a lot more fun to play with other people but there really isn't much to do unless you don't mind grinding bugs/fish or waiting for these small events to appear. I think at this point a lot of people are finishing up their museums and you can only play hide n' go seek so many times, you know.

I kind of wish balloons would appear during multiplayer sessions, so at least when you're grinding you have friends around. They could even safeguard it with the bestfriend status where randos can't shoot them down similar how randos can't use the axe and shovel.
hm. a lot of what i’d love to see come back has already been mentioned but i’ll chime in, anyways;

• the “bright nights” festival from wild world!! it was such a pretty event and i was
honestly a tad bit disappointed that it hadn’t been added in with the winter update aha. but if it were to come back, i’d love to be able to decorate my roof with lights, too, rather than just being limited to voting for who’s decorations that i like the most. ^~^
• also from wild world, i miss the weekly bulletin board messages! those were literally amazing and quite frankly, hilarious. we don’t get many bulletin board notices in new horizons and so, they’d definitely be a fun lil addition to have!
• god i miss so many npcs,, while i miss most of them, i’d especially love for pelly, phyllis, pete, dr. shrunk and brewster to come back. :(
• the roost, post office and some nook’s cranny upgrades would be great!
• to go along with the roost, i’d also love for the part-time gig from new leaf to come back, too!
• building customization.
• mini-games!! i’d also love to be able to play hide and seek with my villagers again, too.
• while this isn’t really a feature, i’d kill for all of the old villagers to come back! there’s so many good ones and i’d love to see them in new
horizons’ beautiful quality. :’)
• unbreakable tools,, please

• the special stumps from new leaf! those were really cute.
• all of the furniture from previous games!
Tortimer’s Island and the mini games. Villagers visiting your house randomly. Also, I’d love for more furniture that can be interacted with just like in Pocket Camp. Now that we are able to decorate outside, actually seeing the villagers use the items we put out will be super cool.
  • i want something similar to the locker that was in the train station. when i play new leaf it was always really nice to be able to put stuff in my storage there then having to run all the way back to my house. lots of folks (from what i've seen) put their home in cliffs in the back in new horizons so it would be nice to have something like that
I totaly forgot, how did I forget? YES to this so much! My friend spoils me a lot because they're a lot further in the game than I am so I missed out on stuff and the ammount of times I've had to go backwards and forewards because of the stuff they give me exceeds my pockets. I have NO idea why they went back on that one!
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• also from wild world, i miss the weekly bulletin board messages! those were literally amazing and quite frankly, hilarious. we don’t get many bulletin board notices in new horizons and so, they’d definitely be a fun lil addition to have!
"It never hurts to ask. Unless you ask for hurt."
"It takes strength to fail. I'm the strongest ever!"
"Everyone loves kids! I just ate three!"
"Winners never quit. Quitters occasionally win."
"Don't make mountains out of molehills. It leads to angry moles."
"Bird, bird, bird. Bird is the word."
"When it rains, it pours. Bring an umbrella."

I sometimes still check in on Wild World to see if Bunnie movied. Shes my No.1 so if she moves I'm deleting the damn town LOL these are the ones I was able to capture.
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I could write an entire list of things I want to see back. Gyroids, the Roost, Reese/Cyrus so we can customize all regular stuff without having to trade, all fruits, perfect, the cut flowers, clovers ect ect

...But If I am being honest, the thing I think would give us the most mileage would be Club Tortimer (or something akin to it) where we could have mini-games set up to play with people who visit. As things are now, this game isn't really set up for multiplayer like it was in the NL days and it's a year later without it being available (if it ever comes back) and that's honestly disappointing when they're trying to push the online agenda for this game.
My number one want was the return of dream addresses so I'm super happy they're back!

I'd also like to see some form of the mini games come back. It would be awesome if you could queue up and play online with others.

Brewster for sure. I think I'd prefer the cafe to have its own building but I'd still be happy if it's back in the museum. I'd like it to have more of a role. Maybe it could introduce more food items, or have challenges and rewards for making coffees/serving residents (more than just nook miles).

I'd love for Leif to have his own shop. Katrina could take his place in the weekly lineups. Labelle could go into Able Sisters and have her own little shop in the attic. This could free up a random weekly spot for Gracie and bring back the seasonal luxury items.

Some more of the PWP could come back as DIYs. I miss the bus stop particularly 😅

The villagers are too nice and I want some of the sass back!
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Some more of the PWP could come back as DIYs. I miss the bus stop particularly 😅

YES I was thinking about that too! I miss the Wisteria Trellis and think people could make it even more pretty~ and so many of the other ones. They brought back the wells though and the water pump so maybe one day!
I would love if they brought back the island but change it to something different! So it could be a marketplace for unique furniture or a special island or something cool like that or even a theme park island? I feel the airport could be used so much more and using old features would make it awesome
I would like to see unbreakable tools and Brewster come back to the game. While I love my golden tools, having them break make me sad. 😅
I would like to see unbreakable tools and Brewster come back to the game. While I love my golden tools, having them break make me sad. 😅
I don't mind the fact they break kind of gives it some realism or purpose? BUT the golden items should be the ultimate ones that DON'T break. Gold does not break so easily especially mixed with other metals but that beats the purpose a little of crafting everything.
Brewster will happen but next year so don't worry guys, it's already been rumored.