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  • Animal Crossing Hide & Seek sessions from The Bell Tree World Championship are coming back -- check out the new TBT Neighbourly Hide and Seek thread here for details! Look out for an Among Us session here too.

Uncommon Activities You Have Done


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2017
This is going to the the opposite of my other thread.

-I've shot the M16, M4, M203, AT-4, M72 LAAW, Mk 32 and thrown hand grenades.
-Ran live fire ranges with more firepower than you can imagine.
-Been to Japan.
-Driven through every southern state in the course of a week.
-Can drive a manual transmission.
-Since not a lot of people here have gone to concerts I suppose my going to 6-7 is uncommon.

Might think of some more later but now it's your turn.
-ate at a couple Michelin star restaurants
-ate unusual seafood dishes, e.g. squid ink pasta and fried baby octopus (not unusual to me)
-traveled to London
-have koi as pets
-revived a goldfish
Does ziplining count? I hiked up a mountain on vacation and caught a pig in a pen (for a fundraiser thingie)...do those count?? Lol I dunno what you people are up to :p
If you think it's unusual or uncommon then yes I would say it counts :) hiking is the best, I love doing that. There's a trail in Hawaii that takes you to these WWII pillboxes and you can go inside them and the ocean is so blue when you look at it. It's mesmerizing.
- Brother has type 1 diabetes
- Owned 4 hermit crabs
- Can eat a whole box of oreos in less than a day
- Foot got sliced opne
- I love black licorice and candy corn
It's more of an experience than an activity, but I choked on something to the extent that my best friend had to do the Heimlich Maneuver on me

also I have gotten loads of stitches in my face throughout the years for various reasons
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I've almost been hit by lightning. (like 15-20 feet away.)
I've been to the very first geocache.
I lead a very uneventful life. -_-
Moved a kajillion times.
Once had a 250 gallon fish tank in my room.
Was rich for a short while, had a maid and everything.
Gotten a tattoo every year since I turned 18.
Rode a dolphin.
Depressingly enough, I actually can't think of one significant thing I have done in my life that might interest anybody.
Based on your first post, yeah I've been to quite a few concerts here ^^

I dunno if I've done interesting stuff that is uncommon either.. Well I did win some Ponyo merch in a raffle a book store had but that's it? I was pretty sheltered and watched until I started high school so :x
Been to New Orleans. That's pretty much it... I don't do much with my life.
I slipped in the edge of the pool, fell and hit my head on the pointy corner when I was five. Had to make a lotta stitches.
Also I hated being forced to attend my school's Christmas parties so much that one year I locked myself in the bathroom the whole party. They looked for me for 2 hours after my mother noticed I was missing. I was nine.
Do these count? They're experiences, not activities.
your life sounds electrifying

You're a riot...
I was camping and I was too tired to bother with moving and I figured if I'm going to get hit by lightning, I'd rather be asleep.
So I rolled over and went back to sleep.
I flew a plane one time.
It was a small plane, I don't remember what kind.
I was apart of the AAFC (Australian Air Force Cadets) for a little while, and for one of our camps, we all got to fly a plane. I didn't stay long enough to get my pilots licence but I'm pretty proud of that!