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Town Name Idea Thread!


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2016
I haven't seen one of these anywhere, so I decided to make one of these.

So... use this thread to share some Town Name Ideas! Many often struggle to find some so this thread can serve as a help for this!
-Dumptown for Tier 6 villagers only
-Memoria for villagers you've obtained from previous games.
-Cloud 9 for colorful villagers
I use types of wood timber for my towns, villagers, islands etc. (for any game) and flower names or my own name for characters.
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Heaven. Good game son!
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Sirius. for Star Themed/Astral Towns. Or just for a General Town Name.

Starbell. For General Use. Also can be used for Star Themed towns as well.

Solaris. Hmm... perhaps for a Mystical/Space themed Town. Or just in General as well.

Tundra. Water/Aquatic Themed. Perhaps it can be used for tropical towns.
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Foristra- Use that for towns with a lot of trees :v

Astol- General use I guess...

Volga- I don't know :v

Morioh- For those JJBA fans :v

Oasis- General use :v
Cutesy/sweet town names:
Cupcake, Pompom, Frootloop, Cocopuff, Lollipop, Milkyway, Sprinkle, Sugar

Pretty/dreamy town names:
Paradise, Oasis, Flora, Rosebed, Meadow, Eden, Bliss, Harmony, Fairyland, Daydream, Willow, Serenity, Cosmos, Celeste, Bloom
I tried to make one of these but it never held up. Hopefully this one will! Here's my list;

Alate(adj); Having wings; lifted up in flight
Apricate(v): To bask in the sun
Apricity(n): the warmth of the sun in winter
Arcadian(adj); Idyllically innocent; simple and untroubled by fear or worry
Aubade(n): A love song sung at dawn
Balter(v): To dance artlessly, without particular grace or skill but usually with enjoyment.
Beamish(adj): Bright, cheerful, and optomistic
Brontide(n); a low muffled sound like distant thunder heard in certain seismic regions especially along seacoasts and over lakes and thought to be caused by feeble earth tremors
Brumous(adj): Of grey skies and winter days: filled with heavy clouds or fog: relating to winter or cold, sunless weather.
Caim(n); lit “sanctuary”; an invisible circle of protection, drawn around the body with the hand, that reminds you that you are safe and loved, even in the darkest of times.
Carousel(N); A merry-go-round
Coruscate(v); To reflect brilliantly; to sparkle
Cynefin(n): A Welch word for a place where a being feels it ought to live. It is where nature around you feels right and welcoming.
Dulify(v): To make more agreeable, nullify; also, to sweeten
Echt(adj): Real; Authentic; Geniune
Eglaf(n): A word that has no meaning; can be used in place of any other word
Eldritch(adj): Eerie, weird, spooky
Errorist(n): someone who repeatedly makes mistakes, or is always wrong
Ethereal(n); Extremely delicate light, not of this world
Eunoia(n); Beautiful thinking, a well mind
Fernweh(n); An ache for distant places; the craving for travel
Fusty(adj); old-fashioned or out-of-date
Grok(v); to understand
Gigil(n); The overwhelming urge to squeeze or pinch something very cute
Glaucous(adj); Frosted; Pale bluish-grey, like morning fog
Habilin(n): Anything given to somebody for safekeeping
Haimish(adj) Homey; cozy and unpretentious
Hiraeth(n); A homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past
Hygge(n): A complete absence of anything annoying or emotionally overwhelming; taking pleasure from the presence of gentle, soothing things.
Irenic(adj); Promoting peace
Kairos(n): The perfect, delicate, crucial moment: the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune atmosphere for action, words, or movement: also, weather.
Kalon(n); Beauty that is more than skin-deep
Kismet(n); fate, destiny
Komorebi(n): sunlight filtering though trees
Lacuna(n): A blank space, a missing part
Largess(n): generous bestowal of gifts
Mangata(n): The glimmering, roadlike reflection the moon creates on water
Marahuyo(adj); To be enchanted
Meraki(n); The soul, creativity, or love put into something; the essence of yourself that is put into your work
Metanoia(n); The journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life
Matutine(adj): Just before the dawn
Minutae(n): the small precise details that makes one unique; the finer points and subleties
Mizpah(n); The emotional bond between people, especially those separated by distance or death
Nelipot(n): One who walks barefoot.
Nepenthe(n); Something that can make you forget grief or suffering
Niveous(adj); Snowy or resembling snow
Oblivion(n); The state of being unaware of what is happening around you
Offing(n): The deep, distant stretch of the ocean that is still visible from the land; the foreseeable future.
Orphic(adj): Mysterious and entrancing: beyond ordinary understanding.
Otios(adj); being at leisure; idle; indolent
Paracosm(n): a detailed, prolonged imaginary world created by a child that includes human, animal, or alien creations
Paralian(n): One who lives by the sea
Peiscos(n): the feeling you get when you sit in front of the fireplace and enjoy its warmth
Pericope(n): A selection or extract from a book
Petrichor(n); The scent of rain on dry earth
Piffle(n): Nonsense, as trivial or senseless talk
Rubatosis(n); The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat
Saudade(n); A feeling of nostalgic longing for something or someone that one was fond of and which has been lost. It often carries a fatalist tone and a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never really return. It was once described as ‘the love that remains’ or ‘the love that stays’ after someone is gone.
Schatzi(n); Sweetheart, darling
Scintilla(n); a tiny flash or spark, a small thing, a barely visible trace
Selcouth(adj):Unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous
Sillage(n): The scent that lingers in the air, the trail left in the water, the impression made in space after something or someone has been gone, the trace of someone’s perfume
Sirimiri(n): A light rain, a fine drizzle
Sough(n): The gentle, soothing murmur of wind or water
Soigne'(adj): Possessing an aura of sophistication in dress, manner or design; presented or prepared with an elegance attained through care for the finer details.
Sulit(adj): Something that is worth it
Susurrus(n): A low soft sound, as of whispering or muttering or a quiet wind; a whisper or a rustling
Sweven(n): A vision seen in sleep; a dream.
Syzygy(n): an alignment of celestial bodies
Tommyrot(n): nonsense; utter nonsense
Ubuntu(n); The belief that we are defined by our compassion and kindness toward others
Ukiyo(n): Literally "the floating world"- living in the moment, detached from the bothers of life.
Vagary(n); An unpredictable instance, a wandering journey; a whimsical, wild, or unusual idea, desire, or action
Virago(n); A strong, brave, warlike woman; a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities
Venters(n); What the wind or tide drives in from the ocean upon a wave
Viridity(n): Naive, innocence
Wabisabi(n): the discovery of beauty in imperfection; the acceptance of the cycle of life and death.
Whelve(v); To bury something deep, to hide
Xyst(n); a garden walk planted with trees
Zephyr(n);a soft gentle breeze
for forest themed towns:
any type of tree

for cutesy and pink themed towns:
any type of dessert like mochi, eclair, macaroon, etc.
? Polaris - Probably for a Winter Themed town. Also would fit for a Star Themed town as well. General as well.

? Eclipse - Ehh probably for Space towns. General as well.
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oooh this is such a neat idea for a thread! here are a couple of my ideas:
- flower/tree/plant names (marigold, dandelion, sapling, elmwood, oakwood, maple)
- names of places from books/movies/video games (hogwarts, hyrule)
- real life places/cities/countries
- words from different languages (lune, soleil)
- foods (honeydew, bubblegum, tiramisu)
- colours (azure, auburn, ash) (oh and colours in french sound really nice too imo, like blanche, rose, rouge, jaune, vert)
- constellations/star names (sirius, big/small dipper, draco)
- times of day/different types of weather/natural phenomenons (dawn, dusk, twilight, sunshower, sunshine, mist, aurora, hurricane)
- take a word and add -ville, isle, -wood, -field, beach, etc. to the end

other town names that I think sound nice are:
- sundrop
- sugurdew
- sora (my town's name is sorarkhe aha)
- verdant
I've always used google translate for my town names

I use welsh as it's my second language and type in everyday words and it's usually something unique and cool~