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'Could swear you were a lil' younger? Maybe i misread somethin'

Happy Birthday ya Sonytard.
Ricano said:
Happy Birthday, Tom.
Going to do anything special? :U
Going to school, going home and babysitting, then I repeat the cycle of depressing all over again! =D /crying on the inside

But it's alright. I wasn't expecting to do anything special since most of my family is sick/getting sick and since they don't want the baby sick I'll be chillin with him.

I'm sure I'll get some sort of celebration this weekend if they get better.
Tom said:
Ricano said:
Happy Birthday, Tom.
Going to do anything special? :U
Going to school, going home and babysitting, then I repeat the cycle of depressing all over again! =D /crying on the inside

But it's alright. I wasn't expecting to do anything special since most of my family is sick/getting sick and since they don't want the baby sick I'll be chillin with him.

I'm sure I'll get some sort of celebration this weekend if they get better.
*Pats Tom on the back*

Is 'gon be alright brother. Oddly our families been sick the past week, yoiks.

But enjoy your birthday, i don't have a cupcake or present to give you, but it's the thought that counts right? =p
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