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Thoughts on Tiktok?


Peace & Harmony
Dec 24, 2020
Okay, I don't have Tikkok, but Instagram and YouTube now have Tiktok within the apps with different names. I got bored and scrolled down viewing some on both platforms.... pretty much it was flexing money, bunch of coca cola/mentos stuff, staged pranks, dating stuff etc... i find this the strangest social media content ever. Maybe it just me not getting it.

Just curious what other think???
I find it annoying, especially because most people who use it are little kids or teenagers like me and idk, I just rubs me the wrong way
It started off as a joke because I couldn’t understand why people used it, now I’m obsessed and check everyday haha. It’s got a super accurate algorithm once it knows what you like, most of the content I get is animals, science stuff and art amongst others. I love it!
i dont use tiktok myself but i see a lot of memes that come from it and to be honest i dont think the app deserves the hate it gets, there are really funny creators on there
it's a mixed bag imo. i don't have it personally and never plan/want to. i think some of the "hate" is justified, but i also think there's a select few bigger "influencers/stars" who give the app a bad reputation.
It's annoying to me so I don't use it, BUT I have seen tons of really funny videos that originate from tik tok.
Also, some of their filters are amazing. When I did try it out, it could accurately change the color of my hair to these fun colors. I sent a screenshot of it to my mom and she flipped out thinking it was real, yelling at me "how are you supposed to find a job with hair like that" etc. Man I got her good
I actively dislike tiktok. So much of the music is so bad, the dancing, plus everything you've already mentioned it's all just not my taste. I have occasionally seen something funny from tiktok get reposted but usually it's not funny or entertaining.

And I really hate how Instagram has been taken over by this same stuff. Instagram was probably one of my favourite apps and it's getting worse and worse with each new addition it seems. I wish people would just create a separate insta account if they want to use it for "reels"/tiktoks. I had to unfollow some people I used to enjoy posts from because instagram just turned into tiktok repost land 😕
Im not sure, my sister uses it to scroll mindlessly and it can be fun and addicting but shes also seen a bunch of gross stuff on there. If u think twitter is bad tiktok kids are...a different breed entirely. I use another forum that got viral because of tiktok, and that place is a complete hellhole when ur not in the 18+ section.
I used to have it because for some reason one of my teachers had the great idea to make us film a project on it, and I didn't really see the appeal. The video editing and filters were great but content wise didn't make me want to keep the app. The toxicity surrounding the app turned me away too.
i think it's very addicting, both in good and bad ways... the algorithm really is freakishly accurate! i loved scrolling through those cosplay videos where they do dances that are like animation memes. not sure why they just look so cool to me!!!! i also love how it's made a lot of people feel like they can be creative with their costumes. like lungs said though the userbase is wild
If u think twitter is bad tiktok kids are...a different breed entirely.
i feel this about it a lot^. i don't know what it is, i don't even know how to word it in a good way, but kids on there are so .... odd it seems like a really bad place for them to be sometimes. idk if this is just how kids normally are but i feel like so many of them are so needlessly mean to each other like they are all in this competition to be as rude and careless as possible to seem cool. like someone will ask a genuine question and there will be 5 kids replying with "idc didnt ask" or something ._. i also feel like the same pointless discourse circles like every few months. that's not even the biggest issue though there are a lot of other pressing Dangerous things i have seen on there

there's a lot of other stuff i could mention but to keep this short: i actually recently uninstalled the app. i feel like it's way too easy to sink time into and before i knew it hours of my day would just be GONE. that wasn't what made me finally delete it but it was a big factor
theres definitely some bad parts of tiktok and some good parts. personally, i think the bad parts outweigh the good ones but that’s just me. the fact that videos can go viral quickly even if you’re not famous is good and bad (let’s say an artist gets recognized for their talent, or someone posts an inappropriate video and kids see it).
as well as the influencers (they just kinda bother me, i dont think kids that young should have that big of an audience. they’re still young and they make mistakes, and people judge them harshly for it because they have so many people looking up to them. even tho other kids that don’t happen to be famous on tiktok do the same things. by kids i mean 16-17). but yeah, just my opinion, pls don’t come at me 😓
There are some funny stuff but I'm not going to spend my time mindlessly scrolling on it to find like, one funny video. It's just not interesting enough with its overall immature userbase.
I've never seen the appeal in TikTok or had the desire to download the app, it's just one more social media platform I don't need in my life clogging up my phone. To me it's got the same unappealing value that Snapchat had when it was all the rage a few years ago.
I got it to check it out a while ago and use it sometimes (like few times a month at most) when I’m really bored. Then I’m stuck there for a couple hours haha. There’s some content on it that I enjoy but I don’t think I use it enough for the algorithm to have catered to me yet because I still see a good amount of videos I don’t really care about. I think overall it’s a decent app and there’s good and bad content just like everywhere else.
I think this ones my favourite Tiktoker right now
personally i love tiktok, i dont make them but sometimes i can find myself in a loophole for hours just scrolling through the videos non stop
i honestly don’t use tiktok much anymore but there’s definitely some entertaining content on there and it’s even introduced me to quite a few of my favourite songs! my fyp is absolutely whack, though - i hate how often i would come across a funny video only for it to be followed by something heartbreaking. 😔
i absolutely love it. i post on the rare occasion but i just love getting lost in it for a couple hours. i think most of the ppl who say its stupid just havent found their niche on the app yet. it takes a bit for the algorithm to kick in. as for the music, most of the time songs blow up bc they are in fact stupid and everyone knows it.

and then as for the dancing, i could talk for HOURS abt it but ill say this: there is such a small minority of ppl on the app who actually take the dancing seriously. a lot of ppl think its funny to meme ppl like charli damelio and the hype house and whoever. so when i see ppl say “its just teens dancing” i can tell they havent used the app for very long if at all.