Thoughts on Tiktok?

I used to not understand TikTok and actively hated it. However, I would still watch certain TikTok compilations on Youtube from art TikTok or just ones that I found funny.

I downloaded it expecting to be uninstalling it within a day but their algorithm is super accurate for me now. I don't see any of the TikToks that are talked about in this thread at all at this point. Tbf, I've blocked quite a few of the popular creators so I wouldn't see them anyway, but even now I wouldn't get them on my FYP. I just get more art TikToks which are great for inspo or some have tutorials, I get some makeup videos here or there, I get lots of gaming TikToks (mostly Genshin and Animal Crossing but I've been getting more FFXIV ones as well.) and lots of fashion ones as well. TikTok is really just what you make it which can be said for most social media imo.
It's annoying. Even the format of it literally being on a loop, not being able to pause or fast forward, etc. The obnoxious music bothers me so much and the robot narrator is terrible. There are a few gems but it's not worth it to even go looking for those lol. I don't have tiktok btw, I've just seen them on youtube or Facebook. I dunno, I think I'm just too old and not the generation it's meant for. I stay far away from it.
don't like it, but i also don't like how other social medias have incorprated it as you mentioned
I use tiktok, but I don’t really like it. It’s really only tolerable when you find the spaces you like, kind of like with Reddit.
I think some stuff on it is funny, but I don't generally use it much. A lot of it doesn't appeal to me.
I use Tiktok all the time it might just be my age but I find it calms me down to just sit with a cup of tea and watch some tiktoks. I get a lot of amazing animal crossing content on there as well as a lot of memes that I send to my friends.
I don’t have Tiktok. Sometimes I’ll see viral videos from that platform on Twitter or I’ll get a direct link to a video but I’ve never really wanted to download the app. I find social media apps to be overwhelmingly toxic and depressing tbh.
I sometimes watched tiktoks on tumblr and thought some people were super super funny. I opened an account and was not impressed by the for you page, its very generic and everything is super repetitive and flavorless. Like, the same 10 songs and the same prompts and gimmicks, it is very unusual to find someone really creative and genuinely funny. Having said that, I do love hearing ppl talk abt their family problems and childhood drama and there is no better source for that than tiktok, so I do use it for like half an hour a day. I'm also very into celebrity gossip and its a very good source of news, since things get to tiktok really quickly.
In a way it is annoying but if your following feed is well curated you can have a good time, in that sense it is very much like tumblr and I like that. Just don't use the for you page.
I was/am 'Tiktok Famous'.
Having a large following on there is an experience I can only describe with a few words: don't ever do it. Its akin to having someone beat the sh out of you constantly and yet you're still performing in a stupid attempt to please them.
I love watching them but being a creator, I hate them.
Never have I experienced such antisemitism, transphobia and just all round anti-my existence sentiment then when I joined tiktok. I love tiktok, I get great joy from making them, but I don't get joy from the three years of harassment Ive faced from just being... me.
I was/am 'Tiktok Famous'.
Having a large following on there is an experience I can only describe with a few words: don't ever do it. Its akin to having someone beat the sh out of you constantly and yet you're still performing in a stupid attempt to please them.
I love watching them but being a creator, I hate them.
Never have I experienced such antisemitism, transphobia and just all round anti-my existence sentiment then when I joined tiktok. I love tiktok, I get great joy from making them, but I don't get joy from the three years of harassment Ive faced from just being... me.
oh, I'm so sorry you had to experience that! people can be absolutely terrible online :(
Hey, I have always wanted to ask someone, do they pay you a decent amount for making content? do people have to have a ton of views to make money, or do they pay even if you don't get many?
oh, I'm so sorry you had to experience that! people can be absolutely terrible online :(
Hey, I have always wanted to ask someone, do they pay you a decent amount for making content? do people have to have a ton of views to make money, or do they pay even if you don't get many?
We do get paid, but its not very much at all and it's widely accepted that TikToks creator programme is rigged against us, since it's common for your chances to get on the FYP (which is where most views come from) to suddenly become lower for 'no reason' if you join the programme. When I joined it was not very much at all, I think I earned £0.41 for 200k views in one days time and immediately decided it wasn't going to be for me. If you want money, get sponsored but that's tough on something like tiktok. not a money making app for the creators. :|
We do get paid, but its not very much at all and it's widely accepted that TikToks creator programme is rigged against us, since it's common for your chances to get on the FYP (which is where most views come from) to suddenly become lower for 'no reason' if you join the programme. When I joined it was not very much at all, I think I earned £0.41 for 200k views in one days time and immediately decided it wasn't going to be for me. If you want money, get sponsored but that's tough on something like tiktok. not a money making app for the creators. :|
Wow that really sucks :( I never thought about making content or anything but I was curious as to how it worked for people who managed to make money off of it, it does make sense it would be through the for you page. I do think you are very brave for continuing to do something that brings you joy, even if it comes with all of the nasty parts of internet fame! I'm sending you a virtual hug!
Wow that really sucks :( I never thought about making content or anything but I was curious as to how it worked for people who managed to make money off of it, it does make sense it would be through the for you page. I do think you are very brave for continuing to do something that brings you joy, even if it comes with all of the nasty parts of internet fame! I'm sending you a virtual hug!
Thank you! I get told a lot of horrible things but at the end of the day I really enjoy making silly little 15 second videos. Im thinking of gravitating towards the gaming side of tiktok since they seem to be nicer and I had some Stardew Valley content receive almost no hate recently, but do well too, which is a great novelty on tiktok
not a fan of tiktok tbh. i also dont understand how its different from vine, but i didnt use vine either so maybe thats why i dont see a difference. also i dont like how tiktok encourages dangerous and annoying behaviors for the sake of internet fame/challenges. i know all social media has that potential, but tiktok seems to be a big source of it lately
Haha I love it. And I’m 30. Like someone above said the algorithm is impressive. My feed is basically all cats and medical jokes.
I have no interest in it personally. It feels like it was made for the generation younger than me as well which doesn't help. I know there are older folks on there too but it mostly seems to be younger people.

I know some things on there are actually good but I can't be bothered to filter through to find those. Not to mention the good ones often get shared on other sites which is the only time I see TikTok videos haha.
TikTok makes me miss Vine, to be honest. I really appreciated the short format of Vines. When I do watch TikToks, I prefer just watching them on Youtube though, since it's one less platform for me to download if it's just on YT.