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The vicious resetting cycle.


Resident Representative of Latibule
Mar 14, 2013
Winter Mittens
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
I can't stop resetting my town. I reset like crazy for the perfect map and when I finally find a good enough one I later find something wrong with it that I can't shake. Also I can only seem to play in a town for a few days at most before I stop playing altogether for weeks until I get the urge to play and also the urge to reset again. I miss playing properly :(

Have you ever been stuck in a situation like this? How did you break out of it? Please help me!
I do try to, but I don't know when I don't play for a while it's harder to stay motivated. Especially when I see all these perfect/hacked maps on tumblr.
I forced myself to stay with the town. Literally. I had to promise myself not to reset. Eventually I got back into the swing of things and I love this new town.
I do try to, but I don't know when I don't play for a while it's harder to stay motivated. Especially when I see all these perfect/hacked maps on tumblr.

Comparisons are odious!! I know that feel of boredom, laziness and lack of motivation whenever you just turn the game on and even the fact of storing things in the locker seems uber tedious, so you just lay them on the ground (talking about this, i guess?), but motivation comes and goes, you can't really do much about it besides convincing yourself to work for the town you want to have, and even those ''perfect'' maps can give you inspiration to motivate yourself!! <33!!
You know what hun? So what if someone hacked their town, yeah it's beautiful but you know what else is? Working hard. Don't get me wrong i have nothing against hacking, It's so more rewarding then picking and picking at something. Your town doesn't have to be perfect. Rock in the way? Incorporate it into Something beautiful. Nothing has to be the perfect square, it bothers me my house isn't central but in another way it is. You need to stop worrying what others are going to think and just. Do. YOU. You are what will make this town a kingdom, the fire is within, ignite it. You have as much talent in you as much as the next person. I believe in you :3
You know what hun? So what if someone hacked their town, yeah it's beautiful but you know what else is? Working hard. Don't get me wrong i have nothing against hacking, It's so more rewarding then picking and picking at something. Your town doesn't have to be perfect. Rock in the way? Incorporate it into Something beautiful. Nothing has to be the perfect square, it bothers me my house isn't central but in another way it is. You need to stop worrying what others are going to think and just. Do. YOU. You are what will make this town a kingdom, the fire is within, ignite it. You have as much talent in you as much as the next person. I believe in you :3
This is so inspiring.
You know what hun? So what if someone hacked their town, yeah it's beautiful but you know what else is? Working hard. Don't get me wrong i have nothing against hacking, It's so more rewarding then picking and picking at something. Your town doesn't have to be perfect. Rock in the way? Incorporate it into Something beautiful. Nothing has to be the perfect square, it bothers me my house isn't central but in another way it is. You need to stop worrying what others are going to think and just. Do. YOU. You are what will make this town a kingdom, the fire is within, ignite it. You have as much talent in you as much as the next person. I believe in you :3

Inspiring for sure! Just the type of thing I needed to hear before I reset my town again, I think I was/am too worried about being 'perfect'. Especially after seeing a lot of beautifully landscaped towns, themed houses, dream villagers, etc.

Thank you DarkCharliXo!
I forced myself to stay with the town. Literally. I had to promise myself not to reset. Eventually I got back into the swing of things and I love this new town.

I'll have to do this!

Comparisons are odious!! I know that feel of boredom, laziness and lack of motivation whenever you just turn the game on and even the fact of storing things in the locker seems uber tedious, so you just lay them on the ground (talking about this, i guess?), but motivation comes and goes, you can't really do much about it besides convincing yourself to work for the town you want to have, and even those ''perfect'' maps can give you inspiration to motivate yourself!! <33!!

Yeah usually they do give me motivation, its just lately I've been in such a rut. I think I've been too caught up in everyone's wonderful landscaping and getting discouraged.

You know what hun? So what if someone hacked their town, yeah it's beautiful but you know what else is? Working hard. Don't get me wrong i have nothing against hacking, It's so more rewarding then picking and picking at something. Your town doesn't have to be perfect. Rock in the way? Incorporate it into Something beautiful. Nothing has to be the perfect square, it bothers me my house isn't central but in another way it is. You need to stop worrying what others are going to think and just. Do. YOU. You are what will make this town a kingdom, the fire is within, ignite it. You have as much talent in you as much as the next person. I believe in you :3

Aw thank you! Yeah I personally prefer nice towns that aren't hacked. I've nothing against hacking but it just feels more real. I guess I just got discouraged cause they set a standard I can't reach. I think I just need to relax and enjoy playing the game again and let go of some of the superficial things.

Thank you so much for the encouragement <3
personally I don't think I could ever reset my town, although I hate my map & everything about my layout. but because I invested so much time in it with paths and my house and acquiring items, I just couldn't. at least not any time soon

the important thing to remember about ACNL is to just go with the flow. if you look for flaws and take a magnifying glass on every detail then you can't possibly enjoy the game. all my villagers moved in right next to my house, blocking it, and my one of my favorite villagers plotted in the middle of my path. that's where creativity comes in, learning to work with flaws and imperfections. it also makes your town unique and special!

don't give up <3
Yeah, i've been stuck in this cycle many times lol, like you I always think that there's something wrong, or I think to myself I can get a better map/villagers than this, and reset again and then regret it instantly lol.

It's understandable that you'd dislike your town, or find a flaw at first. I think though that if you work at it, the flaw could become something that you like, but there is no shame in disliking a town you get when you reset. It's ultimately about what makes you happy. :)
Yeah this is why I love having 2 copies. I always want to reset, so I give in on one town and not the other. Although now I'm in a situation where I'm considering making my "permanent" town into the resetting town so it might have only delayed the inevitable :p
I would also like to say, no town is the same so maybe stop trying to compare, the more you dive in the more you see, Animal Crossing is perfectly imperfect just the way it is.
I do try to, but I don't know when I don't play for a while it's harder to stay motivated. Especially when I see all these perfect/hacked maps on tumblr.

I just had a look on tumblr to see what these hacked towns are like and I don't really get what there is to be jealous of? I don't understand why the main thing seems to be putting trees/flowers/pwps in the river? I don't think that even looks nice, it just looks really messy and unnatural. The only cool thing I've seen on there is villager houses on the beach.
I know AC is open ended and you can play how you want, but I would not find any enjoyment in resetting for a map. I have only reset to check campsite and that's only when I need a certain personality and want to meet new villagers.
I just had a look on tumblr to see what these hacked towns are like and I don't really get what there is to be jealous of? I don't understand why the main thing seems to be putting trees/flowers/pwps in the river? I don't think that even looks nice, it just looks really messy and unnatural. The only cool thing I've seen on there is villager houses on the beach.

You can edit your maps they way you want like the placement of buildings and edit the rivers etc.
I reset for hours looking for a perfect map. I was so excited when I got the one I want... but now I hate it. I don't even play anymore. I haven't for about a week. I might just delete the town and start over without resetting for the map.
It's so easy to compare. Think about it this way - for every time that you don't like something about your map, someone else is going to love that feature. It's the little things that make it special and unique. It's easy to see one thing and get bogged down with not liking it and it affecting you playing.

This is what I would do. Start a town, and do loads of visiting other people. Just being around with others and having others over will enhance that situation and make everything feel that little bit more exciting.
I map edited the crap out of my town on my spare cart. I hated it and ended up resetting it anyway. It was so cookie cutter generic. It made me really appreciate the imperfections of Lindry. Finding ways to work around them made the town feel "mine".
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