Greetings Earthlings!


Junior Member
Nov 24, 2023
Hi! I'm Henry! I've been playing Animal Crossing since New Leaf, but I never knew about these forums. I thought it'd be a nice place to meet some friends to play New Horizons with, since it's been hard to find people who still play the game anywhere else.
I recently reset my island, so it's not much to look at. I want to make it look fancy and all theme-y eventually, but I'm not really sure how to go about it.
Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your time here. Do you have an island theme in mind?
hi henry, welcome to the forums! i hope you have a lovely time here. 💖

i don’t really play new horizons much anymore, but i hope you’re able to find some friends to play with here! i would recommend checking out the airport! there’s a thread there that you can post your switch friend code in, and you’ll be able to find people to play and connect with there as well!

best of luck with your new island! are there any villagers you’re hoping to have? ☺️
Welcome to the forums, Henry! ✨

Good luck with your island reset! Do you have any themes in mind, or any villagers you're hoping to find? 😊
Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your time here. Do you have an island theme in mind?
Welcome to the forums, Henry! ✨

Good luck with your island reset! Do you have any themes in mind, or any villagers you're hoping to find? 😊
I'm thinking a sort of port-town, like one of those towns by the ocean that has a lot of visitors, and people buying and selling things? idk what you're supposed to call it.