The gun, or the criminal?

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I'll have to disagree with you here, I was at the Pok?mon World Championship 2015. There were people who had large guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition. My friends and I who were out on a fun date could have died, we could have all been gunned down for no reason other than being there. Gun control makes it a LOT harder than just walking into an Arizona store and picking up semi automatic guns, and get this, IF YOU ARE A LAW ABIDING CITIZEN IT DOESN'T DO JACK! THAT'S RIGHT, IF YOU FOLLOW THE RULES IT WON'T AFFECT YOU!

EDIT: Sorry, this is kind of a big deal to me.

I read this four times and I still have no idea what the **** you're trying to say I'm sorry
This thread has officially gone to hell. Remember folks, computers don't kill threads, Cory kills threads.

If we're going with this argument, then if any of the people who have previously posted here suddenly made an extremely racist and graphic post, the thread would be closed not because the person posted in the thread, but because of that post that's against the rules~
If we're going with this argument, then if any of the people who have previously posted here suddenly made an extremely racist and graphic post, the thread would be closed not because the person posted in the thread, but because of that post that's against the rules~

are you defending me?
"NOBODY has guns in ireland!!!"
"OF COURSE people have guns in ireland!!!"

so which is it
because all i see here is damage control

and all i see is nitpicking because you have nothing else to say and it's making you look quite silly
i already clarified that i meant no ordinary law-abiding citizen owns a gun, if you own a gun you're already breaking the law and are already a criminal
This thread is really blowing up with arguments lmao
are you defending me?

I think that was a bit of a silly statement, but this:

really you piece of garbage
i say my views
i get attacked for it
not that i care
i dont care what people say about me
if i did i would have committed suicide years ago

worries me because you're angry and pro-gun. You've disagreed with me but I haven't taken it as attacking or gotten angry, I just was curious as to what your opinions were on reasons to own a gun.
Given that a majority of mass shootings can be blamed on mental health issues, I would say that yes, it can be either/or.

You'll notice that I cited studies and facts in my reply. I've had a look and can't find anything that supports that "a majority" of perpetrators have mental health issues, in fact quite the opposite:

American Journal of Public Health said:
Yet surprisingly little population-level evidence supports the notion that individuals diagnosed with mental illness are more likely than anyone else to commit gun crimes. According to Appelbaum, less than 3% to 5% of US crimes involve people with mental illness, and the percentages of crimes that involve guns are lower than the national average for persons not diagnosed with mental illness. Databases that track gun homicides, such as the National Center for Health Statistics, similarly show that fewer than 5% of the 120 000 gun-related killings in the United States between 2001 and 2010 were perpetrated by people diagnosed with mental illness.

Academic studies here, here, and here.
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This thread is really blowing up with arguments lmao

people dont know how to debate
i came in here looking for a nice debate but now
the 12 year olds came in with their reta- belief that they know what is going on in the world
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and all i see is nitpicking because you have nothing else to say and it's making you look quite silly
i already clarified that i meant no ordinary law-abiding citizen owns a gun, if you own a gun you're already breaking the law and are already a criminal
It's not nitpicking when your entire point revolved around "nobody" owning guns, "guns are not seen" in Ireland "at all". You made a broad and false claim, I just pointed out how awfully wrong you were in making it, in response to which you changed face. I've never seen a gun on anyone but a police officer here, but if I were to go "no guns seen here at all!!" when there's plenty news reports about people being gunned down in their own home or by a gang in the streets, I'd just be a hypocrite.

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men are evil and are all mass shooters you're totally right
only cis white men though
I think that was a bit of a silly statement, but this:

worries me because you're angry and pro-gun. You've disagreed with me but I haven't taken it as attacking or gotten angry, I just was curious as to what your opinions were on reasons to own a gun.
you know what? thank you, you have remained civilized
i am not "pro-gun" i believe that there should not be additional regulation on guns. guns have their purpose. and they can save lives in the right hands. but in the wrong hands... well thats the problem
people dont know how to debate
i came in here looking for a nice debate but now
the 12 year olds came in with their [s/]reta-[/s] belief that they know what is going on in the world

"People don't know how to debate"


"The information you said is wrong because I said so" Burden of proof (You have to prove it wrong, not them)

"You're stupid" Ad Hominem (Attacking someone's character not their argument)

Like man at least try to convince us you actually wanna debate stuff. You come into these threads all the time cracking jokes about liberals and thinking you're taking yourself seriously when all you really do is get mad at everyone when they don't automatically agree with you. Maybe you should think twice before calling everyone around you 12 year olds when I think we all know who really has to grow up here.
you own a gun for self defense. people in "less developed" areas want this so they feel safe.
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