The Bell Tree Store Boards


Co-Founder of TBT
Retired Staff
Dec 2, 2004
Throwback Tickets
There are several guidelines you should follow when posting in any of the sub-boards here in the TBTS board -

TBTS Staff Board
Only staff (Meaning Treasurer or higher) can post in this board and discuss important Bell Tree Store matters. To become a Treasurer or higher, you will need to qualify for the criteria, and prove yourself by doing other jobs as you start out. Please do not ask to be a TBTS Staff member, since that will ultimately lower your chances.

TBTS Employee Board
Employees of TBTS can post here. You may become an employee by posting in the TBTS Guest Board, and ask for any job. For the password to this board, please PM Bulerias. Also, you do not need any prior experience to become an employee. All you need is a copy of Animal Crossing: Wild World, and a Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection compatible wireless router or a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Adaptor, and you're good to go!

TBTS Guest Board
Not an employee of TBTS? Want to find out more about the jobs that TBTS offers, or about the company itself? Not a problem. Post all of your questions in this board, but only if you are not currently an employee. Of course, employees may answer guest questions, but it is prefferable that employees do not make threads in this board.

The Wild World Stock Market
Lead by Pokefab, The Wild World Stock Market is a revolutionary way to create an economy for AC:WW, and future Animal Crossing games. Anybody who owns a company or store in AC:WW is eligible for a stock of their own, although the owners will need to work things out with Pokefab, since there are other requierments.