TBT Summer Build Event: Coffee at the Coastal Café [Wave 2] - PRIZES DISTRIBUTED

oh yes cannot wait to get my blue shell and participation bells. thanks for hosting staffs! had a blast participating 😂💙
Thanks again staff for hosting! I'm happy there's a blue shell for everyone who participated in both waves to ease the pink shell sadness :)
Congrats to all winners! There were so many amazing entries.
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Congratulations to the winners 💕 such amazing entries. Everyone should be proud of their cafes 😍
I'm so happy omg!! Thank you staff for organizing this, it was super fun ☺
And most importantly - congratulations to all the winners!! Everyone did so well 🥰
Thanks again staff for hosting! I'm happy there's a blue shell for everyone who participated in both waves to ease the pink shell sadness :)
Congrats to all winners! There were so many amazing entries.

Same 😅 . The beach background is one of my favourites but there are so few collectibles with it. The blue shell is super beautiful but I LOVED how the pink shell was different from all of the background colours.

BUT, the takeaway is a net positive, cuz I never dreamed we would even be getting new beach collectibles, and we did!
oh wow, 274 entries and only 13 favourites and im one of em? thank you for choosing my entry <3
Congratulations to all of the winners! It was fun to participate in these builds and see what everyone came up with.
congrats to all of the winners!! all of the entries were beautiful and i now hate island cafés a little less than i did before :p
OMG I won staff favorite? Thank you so much for choosing my entry! (●´∀`●)ノ can't wait for my pink shell!

Congrats to everyone else who won! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ It's been so much fun!
Kudos to all the winners! There were so many awesome entries again. :love: Shoutout to the staff team for hosting two fun summer events! I'm also looking forward to receiving my first collectible. :3
aaa I was reading the bell tree direct first and then I got surprised seeing that I was one of the staff favorites?? thank you :'DDD
congrats to all the winners! and thanks staff for hosting this event! it was cool looking at everyone's entries and I got some more ideas by looking at everyone else's cafes c:
Congratulations to the winners! Glad I didn't expect too much as there were a lot of great entries! Ohhh well better luck next time, at least I'd still have a summer shell!