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Mafia TBT Mafia III: The Murder Before Christmas [Game Over/Town Win]

I've told Kayla, but tonight I'm working at 4(Central ST) until either 10PM or Midnight, then tomorrow I work 6am-5pm. I'll try my hardest to keep up with posts, so please please please keep spam to a minimum. I want to be sure I don't miss important posts(which I did last game because I need to skim 30 pages on my lunch break because I was away for two hours). And be sure to hear everyone out before you put in any votes. Pay close attention to what people are actually saying and the points they're trying to get across if they decide to campaign (rather than focusing on people not posting/seem they're posting too much due to people being busy and inactive at the time).

I'll be on right at the beginning to make my introductory speech! See you all soon in game! Make sure that if you were missing for the first few hours/day to read up on everything. Just because it's the first day doesn't mean there aren't things to analyze.
Of course I have to go to bed right before it starts...
Then there's school... then after class revision...
Well, I guess I won't be here much of day one :/

Though after that it's the weekend, so I can be here as much as I want <3
Yeah I'd just like to advise everyone again not to post one-liners (especially if they won't contribute to anything). Stuff like "Gotta go see you all tomorrow" / " ; -; ". I get that you all want people to be aware that you aren't leaving for suspicious reasons, but you can explain that too in your next post that you make in this thread when you get back (where you've been & stuff). I'm sure Players will keep in mind that everyone has real life responsibilities to attend to.

Day 1
It was early morning, and the town was lined up along main street for the Christmas parade. Excitement was in the air and morale was at an all time high, seemingly nothing could ruin the moment and the Christmas cheer. The typical floats passed by, the local marching band played rousing songs of cheer to get everyone into the spirit and down at the end was the mayor with his assistant riding in a limousine. The mayor was to give a speech once they reached the tree in the square, but an explosion rocked the area.

4 minutes before the blast

"I really hate doing speeches from prompts you know," Tom the mayor sighed. "I much prefer to ad-lib my way through these. It feels much more human and heartfelt than the prompts you give me Kayla."

"We all know that and you're free to ad-lib some, but next year is an election year and we need to ensure we stay on top of the game," Kayla replied. "Plus word on the street is that Lauren is looking to move up from sheriff to mayor, but nobody knows her game plan just yet and I'd like to keep our jobs." She reached into her satchel to pull out note cards for Tom, but when she pulled them out she heard a click. The car was in flames within minutes.

Lauren, the Sheriff, had been patrolling on foot around the area when an explosion rocked the area. Quickly she sprung into action, running towards the smoke to help the victims of the blast and clear the area. When she arrived, nearly everyone had fled the grounds to get to safety except for Jas0n who stood there smirking. The smirk quickly left his face as he saw Lauren, and darted off to try and escape, only to be shot in the bum by Lauren to slow him down. She drug him up to the podium where the mayor was supposed to give his speech and declared,"THE MAFIA HAS STRUCK US DURING A TIME OF PEACE AND UNITY. LET US SHOW THEM THEY WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS, WE WILL LYNCH THEM TO SHOW WE DO NOT FEAR THEM STARTING WITH OUR BOMBER JAS0N."

The garland was quickly torn from the tree and made into a noose, tied to the top of the streetlight. A stool was pulled up, Jas0n forced onto it and the noose wrapped around his head. The stool was violently kicked away from beneath him and his body went limp, it began changing colors. Jas0n had been innocent!

Lauren was confused, if it wasn't Jas0n then who was it? Why was Jas0n there and smirking if he didn't cause the blast? No time to think now, a riot was breaking out and moving toward Lauren. She began to take off only to be shot dead by a sniper, right between the eyes. Only one town member checked her body, she bled blue. Things were looking bad for the town now, the only thing to do was to elect a new mayor and a sheriff to hold them together.

2 Hours Later

"Our contact is dead. Opposing factions are moving in, get in there, earn the trust of one of the local factions and ensure we stay up in the Bell Tree region. If we lose this, it's only a matter of time before the Harvest Moon organization takes us all out. Orders are to kill the Harvest Moon assassin and Kris Kringle assassin before they get you. Best of luck operative, Isabelle out." The transmission ended and the assassin rode his way into town via bus.

Tom the Mayor died in a blaze of glory.

Lauren the Sheriff was paid by the mafia in lead.

Jas0n the fire loving Miller was lynched for loving fires a bit to much.

Kayla(iLoveYou) the Mad Hatter
done goofed.

You must elect a new Mayor and Sheriff by this time Saturday. The one with the most votes becomes mayor, the runner up becomes sheriff. Think wisely on this, we don't want a repeat of last game ladies and gents. Bodyguards will be chosen by me and Kayla later.

VOTE HERE: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?115696-TBT-Mafia-III-Voting-Thread

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elect karla.jpg

My fellow Townspeople, I am Karla and I am asking for your vote to be elected Mayor or Sheriff. Why do I want to be elected? It's quite simple - I don't want to die. Now what are the benefits to keeping me alive? I will provide strong town analysis, solid logical reasoning and deduction, something that with some exceptions, has been severely lacking in the games so far.

As host, I watched the debacle that was last game unfold with clenched teeth as I struggled to hold back the tears. Town play has been plagued by the reliance on confirmed innocents and blues. Let me remind you of the Town's win condition:

Town win condition: Eradicate all Mafia.

Yes, we win by killing all of the scum. We do not win by finding and worshipping confirmed innocents. They are a tool to be used, but nothing, NOTHING replaces solid town analysis. So what happened last game? They elected two scum. No big deal, they were strong players with a strong campaign, but the elected roles' abilities do very little in reality. Yeah they can't be shot, but there are 5 other scum out there that can be. No, it becomes a HUGE problem when Town immediately assumes they are innocent and every blue under the sun proceeds to hand them their life. I hope everyone read the Mafia chat from Mafia II - none of them were skilled bluesnipers. They didn't work out who was a blue from their posting behaviour, they were spoonfed that information. The game would have gone a lot better if Kayla and Justin were both regarded as untrustworthy, and people tried to actually confirm players outside of those two.

To reiterate: do NOT automatically trust the elected roles. Neither the Mayor nor Sheriff can guide the town to victory without being under suspicion. The existence of Framers, the Godfather and Millers add a large degree of doubt when verifying the alignment of the officials, but at least the officials can still be rolechecked in this game.

With this in mind, if elected I will continue to do what I do best - analyse, but with the added protection against scum attacks at night. I will not attempt to solo this game, because that's simply not feasible. I will make an effort not to be in conflict with the other official, as long as I believe we are both playing for the same side. It is essential that the town can rally around both officers. As I will be suspected, I will maximise my transparency and only act in a way town agrees with by letting them know beforehand when possible. If town or the other official comes up with a viable plan, I will put my 100% support behind that. If we can confirm someone as 100% innocent, and town still does not completely trust me, I am happy for that player to direct my powers. I should not be given any critical information. All I will do is analyse, come up with and follow plans.

As a Mayor, I will use my Day 1 lynch on the most suspicious person to town. I don't want to use it on a simple inactive, rather on a wishywashy fencesitter. The minimum post count requirement this game, as well as the good town atmosphere I am aiming for (more about this later) should force the fishiness out of some. In the end though, I want town to come to a consensus regarding the first lynch.

As Sheriff, I can jail three times. I primarily want to use this to jail potential scum at night. If Mafia is actually incarcerated this way, this can lower their KP. Mafia could also intentionally withhold KP to try and make the incarcerated person look guilty - this is also a win for town. As for pardoning, this is always a difficult issue. I am naturally confident that are lynches will always be solid and there will be no need for pardoning. Thus I will save it for those idiotic policy lynches such as the beary509 lynch last game where there is a 1% chance they are actually scum.

I have hosted two full games of Mafia so I know how this stuff works. I am very active (again evidenced by my hosting for two games). I really, REALLY want town to win this, after what happened last game, and even more importantly, I want it to be clear HOW town wins for educational purposes.

With the setup, coordinating the uninformed majority is not going to be easy. Multiple subversive roles. Unknown numbers of each role. With a starting KP of 4, we need to focus on getting one Mafia to the lynch. There is no real advantage to finding the entire scum team on Day 1 if we can't get them killed. In fact, it's more likely to be forgotten, and you tend to be wrong anyway when you try to do too much (unless Mafia really slip up hard). There is also value in withholding information. Figuring out the guilt of someone, not immediately announcing it but continuing to play the thread can help you discern the alignment of other players under scrutiny.

I would like to present THE PLAN.

Medics should protect the players that are making sense, the ones who are truly adding to the discussion. I am certain that there are no skilled bluesnipers amongst the Mafia, which means barring any foolish blues blurting out their role to the wrong person, the Mafia will want to target the players that are steering the town in the right direction. When such a player takes a hit, the medic should immediately roleclaim to that person. That person should open claim they took a hit (this is information the Mafia already know, and it can only help town to know as well).

(Brief aside - you should ALWAYS announce that you took a hit during the night (including as Veteran). This is 99% of the time information Mafia already have (because they're the ones who did it). This is very useful information when analysing the Day post, because it can help piece together where all of the hits went that night.)

That person will then be checked. I know there are framers and millers in the game, but I'm honestly not worried about that. The medic will then get checked as well. If both check out, they will come out and serve as figureheads for the town. They will be able to coordinate blue abilities, AND act intermediates between those blues and the elected officials, keeping the blues safe if the officials are corrupt.

Bodyguards should NOT reveal themselves to the elected roles, not until one or both of them have been confirmed. The principal reason is that if one of the two officials turns out to be Mafia, they can remove the bodyguards and kill the other official.

Detectives - I'm sorry to say it but the odds are stacked against you this game. Framers, Millers, Godfather and an errant Bus Driver are going to screw you up. Fortunately, the hosts haven't plagued you with additional problems like sanities and limits on your checks. Despite that, even with behavioural analysis, you will always have doubt behind whether or not the officials are Mafia. Thus, any plans revolving around forming a circle with the two elected roles are out of the window. You will literally be working alone until you get a working circle up on your own. No elected official is to be given any critical information, until they have been proven beyond reasonable doubt to be innocent. And for the love of god, watch who PM and do not open claim.

Medics - I've already set out what medics should be aiming to do above. You are one of the key players in finding trusted town as both you and your protectee are informed of a hit. You shouldn't have to worry about accidentally saving someone from a Vigilante hit because you should be protecting strong players that the vigilantes have no reason to hit. Only a bus driver can cause potential problems, but I will get onto that later.

Vigilantes - Mafia have no way of protecting amongst themselves. Because of this, I believe a Vigilante can safely publicly announce their hit before they carry it out. You only get one hit so after using it, it won't be such a blow to town if you proceed to die. BUT, fear not, for I have another plan. Some of you may have noticed me debating with Kayla the importance of knowing if Mafia have to send in hits individually (the case for TBT Mafia I and II), or if one person can send in all the hits. Now that I know I am town aligned, I want to explain this - if one of the scum team can be online right up until the Night deadline, they can make last minute changes to their hitlist before sending it in. Remember that actions cannot be changed or withdrawn once they are sent in. If individual Mafiosi have to send in their hits, they will likely have to send them long before the deadline due to sleep/school or whatever schedule. Why is this important? Because if Vigilantes announce who they will shoot just before the night ends, and sends in their action, it is more likely that Mafia will not be able to respond in time. When Day comes and we see that the person they claimed to have killed is dead, and all other KP have been accounted for, we can say it is reasonably certain that they are a real Vigilante. Sheriff can then protect him for two phases, while the town circle builds around him.

Additionally, by publicly announcing a hit, this will also reduce the risk of medics saving that hit by accident. Mafia could claim Vigilante and say they are going to hit X to try and gain cred or keep a medic off X, but this will be seen as suspicious as a real Vig shouldn't be targetting that person unless he is a prime suspect. And with all these roleclaims, we will soon realise that there are more claims than realistically possible, and all those vigi-claimers will be put under suspicion. If the Mafia kill the Vigs after they hit their targets, it also makes it riskier and more difficult for them to roleclaim Vig themselves. We also do not want intended incarcerations of suspected Mafia to fail because of a Vig hit, and vice versa. Thus once we have a confirmed innocent, all Vigs should also tell that innocent person who they will hit, who will then relay it to the Sheriff, whilst protecting the identity of the Vigs.

Bus Driver - You will be a headache to someone this game, and I intend for it to be the scum team. I urge you to stay your hand until the analysis and information really starts paint a clear picture and there is a channel for you to coordinate with town. Ambitious as it may be, I am confident that we will be able to use you to turn a Mafia kill around on itself. That would be the ultimate form of humiliation for the scum.

Mad Hatter - There's not much I can really say to you. Like all blues, post as if you're a green. Bomb those #3 or #4 suspected players. I will have to trust your judgement on this - you are essentially playing on your own.

Assassins - Hello. Quite frankly I don't care about your little game. However, it is in your best interests to cooperate and work together with us. You are far more likely to be killed by Mafia, so you should assist us in neutralising them. I am also sure we can come to an information exchange agreement.

Whew, nearly done. This is what I want you to do now. I want you to constructively tear apart what I've just written. I want to hear your plans, your contributions. With so many anti-town roles in this game, coming up with a foolproof plan is incredibly difficult, if not impossible. I don't care, I want everyone to pitch in. Why? To create the good town atmosphere I wrote about earlier. This is Day 1, we need to figure out our plans and directions and get as much useful information as we can. If everyone steps ups, that, along with the minimum post rule, will force the scum to come out and play. And do you know how you catch scum? By making them talk. Even the most well hidden smooth talking scum will eventually be outed because they simply cannot remain consistently "pro-town" whilst playing towards their win objective. The scum are cowards, they're filth. They are guilty and they know it. They exude fear, and when they are put under pressure to post, you can smell it. Townies don't care about being too suspicious, it often never even occurs to them. But Mafia on the other hand, are absolutely terrified of doing something that will put them under the spotlight. They will spot the tiny cracks in their posting that nobody else will, and will overcompensate. Don't give them room to hide away. This is TOWN DOMINATED ATMOSPHERE.

My final point is this: keep town on a need to know basis. We don't need to know every single thought that pops into your head, nor do we need to respond to every single thing you say. Focus on the important stuff - original ideas. Posting lots means you're spending less time analysing and (re)reading, something that is always lacking. More often than not, the best town players have a tiny fraction of the posts, but have so much influence because of the quality of those posts. I want all of town to contribute, to be leaders, because the scum will want to target these types of players, and they can't kill us all. We damn well don't want only a few strong players, who will die by the third day leaving behind a directionless decapitated Town.
So you want the Town to kill you? That's a great strategy.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Nice campaign post, Karla. But isn't it SLIGHTLY early to post, considering Day hasn't even started?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Nevermind, missed the Day post. This is a FAST thread.
Hey, Tom, the voting link isn't working for me. Could you maybe fix that?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Whoops, I got the font color a bit off. My bad. Could you still fix the link?
Karla, I'm going to ask you some questions. I will tell you now I am a Townie once again in this game, so these are just based on what I think would be important for the Town.

1. If the bodyguards die (thus, you can die both and Night and Day) what will you do and how will you react?

2. If everyone agrees on (but has not voted on) one person but you think they are Town/you know they are Town because of Detectives, how will you try and defend them?

3. What will you do if you are accused of Mafia?
I'm not doing it to get suspicions off me, I'm doing it so Karla doesn't think I'm trying to get information to feed to the Mafia. If Karla is Town, she'll be a clear target because she has been host and knows the game better than anyone.