
To design and stuff a stocking for another forum user.
We would like to see you design a stocking for another user of your choice, and then show us the items you would put inside it. Alongside this please include text explaining why you have picked these items out for them. The items can either be drawn, crafted, or photographed - they cannot be taken from the internet. These submissions will initially be submitted to a private board, and then later will be merged into a single thread to be revealed after the event closes. You will have until 11:59PM on December 24th 2024 to submit your stockings.

- You may use a combination of drawing, crafts, and photography in your entry.
- Your entry must specify a member of our community and include at least a line of text to explain why you have made these choices for them.
- All artistic elements must be your own work (AI is not permitted) and must comply with our Art Event Submission Policies and Guidelines.
- All elements of your entry must include a name card - on digital elements please right your username and with physical submissions please include a physical name card.
- If crafting a stocking, you may use a plain stocking as a base and you're welcome to use whatever craft supplies you wish.
- Collages are not permitted for the contents of the stocking - please draw or photograph these items yourself (in a shop is okay).
- You are welcome to submit more than one entry, but only the first will be counted toward the participation prize. Multiple submissions will still be considered for staff favourites.
How to Submit

When you are ready to submit your entry, make a new thread in the Secret Stocking Stuffers Submissions board.
Submission Checklist:

Participation: 50 Snowflakes and 2 Chocolate Coins
Staff Favourite:
Special Snowflake collectible