Hello and welcome! This was so fun to make, and I really hope you like this!
This stocking stuffed with goods galore, can only be given to a lady or lord.
"So who's the lucky lord or lady?" "Why of course it's
@Beep Boop," with a flourish said me.
"What's in the stocking?" a little voice asks. "Well, why don't we make looking our immediate task?"
You head over towards the stocking so full, and out of it, the first object you pull.
stocking sewed & stitched by my sister, extra decor by me.
"What's this? Oh wow! Just what I've always wished for!" And what's in your hand but a jumper (that's been worn

a soft jumper because Beep Boop likes soft things
The next thing taken out is a little orange bear, and what's more perfect to match what you wear!
a small orange bear called Din, also soft, but also cute so double points for Beep Boop
You reach again into the stocking, and what else could it be but a notebook for writing!
a kitten notebook from the local stationery shop, since Beep Boop likes cute stationery
It's cuteness is almost too cute to handle, but what can be next but an ice cream shaped candle!
this was a gift from my grandmother before she died, and I think it deserves some appreciation and spotlight, and what better way than to show a picture to a person, Beep Boop, who likes candles?
Why an ice cream? You need clarification, but oh no! What's next? It's yassification!
I see you, Beep Boop, loving yassification, so have a yassified skull with plenty of makeup, a vanilla candle, and a squishy dolphin on its, well, skull 
Unsure what lies in the bottom of the sock darker, you of course pull out some scented stamp markers!
again, cute stationery is something Beep Boop likes
There's only two things left, and you pull them out, one by one, and what you see before you is the setting sun.
Beep Boop likes pinky skies, so I painted this. I'm actually so happy with how this turned out, it's my favourite painting I've done
The last thing is on cardboard, at the very bottom found, some delicate paint forming the shape of clouds.
another pink skies/clouds painting, but focusing just on clouds
How happy you are to receive such gifts, but happier still is the the one who your spirits lift.
That person is me, and I'm happy to be the person who could help make your Christmas complete.
Merry Christmas,
@Beep Boop . I hope your Christmas is filled with peace and many blessings. Have lots of fun and joy this Christmas!